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Neurosciences 1.9 -- Gross Anatomy of the Brain


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superior transverse temporal gyri
two parallel gyri running transversely on the superior aspect of the temporal lobe; primary auditory cortex
broca's speech area
triangularis + opercularis
inferior frontal gyrus
pars orbitalis, triangularis, and opercularis
precentral gyrus
vertical gyrus in front of central sulcus, caudal to frontal lobe; primary motor cortex
postcentral gyrus
primary somatosensory cortex
cerebrum (cerebral cortex, subcortical white matter, basal ganglia)

cavity: lateral ventricles
thalamus, hypothalamus, subthalamus, epithalamus (pineal gland)

cavity: third ventricle
tectum (superior and inferior colliculi), tegmentum (red nucleus, substantia nigra)

cavity: cerebral aqueduct
pons, cerebellum

cavity: rostral 4th ventricle

cavity: caudal 4th ventricle
lateral sulcus ends at what caudally?
within the U of the supramarginal gyrus
what is the primary auditory cortex?
the superior transverse temporal gyri of Hescle
where are the lower limbs represented?
paracentral gyrus
what important sulcus intersects the calcarine fissure?
the parieto-occipital sulcus; the calcarine fissure keeps going
what gyri constitute the primary visual cortex?
the cuneus and the lingual gyri
where is the head of the caudate nucleus located?
rostrally inside the lateral ventricle
what connects the third ventricle to the lateral ventricle?
the interventricular foramen of Monroe
what is the largest cistern of the subarachnoid space?
the cisterna magna, continuous with the 4th ventricle
what is the caudalmost part of the thalamus?
the pulvinar
where is the pineal gland located?
right underneath the splenium of the corpus callosum
what are the lobes of the cerebellum?
anterior, posterior, and flocculo-nodular
what fissure separates the huge posterior lobe of the cerebellum from the nodule?
the posterolateral (prenodular) fissure
what is the uvula part of?
part of the posterior (cerebellar) lobe vermis
what does the middle cerebellar peducle connect?
the pons and the cerebellum
what is the caudal limit of the midbrain
just beneath the inferior colliculus -- trochlear Ns are here!!
corpora quadrigemina
- aka
- definition
superior / inferior colliculi

four paired elevations on the dorsal aspect of the midbrain concerned with visual/visuomotor and auditory functions
precentral gyrus fxn
primary motor cortex
superior transverse temporal gyri (of Hescle) fxn
primary auditory cortex
what does the collateral sulcus separate?
separates the occipitotemporal and parahippocampal gyri
what does the parahippocampal gyrus overlie?
the hippocampus
tuber cinereum
elevation on the ventral aspect of the hypothalamus (contains median eminence)
massa intermedia
interthalamic adhesion
medial geniculate body
auditory relay nucleus on caudal end of thalamus
lateral geniculate body
visual relay nucleus on caudal end of thalamus (optic tract ends here)
superior colliculi fxn
involved in orientation; visual reflexive turning movements of head and neck
inferior colliculus fxn
auditory relay nucleus
tectum of midbrain
above aqueduct, contains superior and inferior colliculi
tegmentum of midbrain
below aqueduct, contains red nucleus, midbrain reticular formation and substantia nigra

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