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Behavioral Neuroscience 2


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Studies the links among the brain, nervous system, and behavior
Behavioral Neuroscience
The role of biology in a person's development
The role of the environment in a person's development
Specialized cells that receive information from the environment
Receptor Transducer cells
Translate the nerve signals into something that has an outward effect
Effector Transducer cells
There are about 100 billion in a human
A bundle of neurons axons running together
Make up 90% of the brain
Glial cells
Carry information from the senses to the brain
Sensory nerves
Today, most pychologists believe what about the nature/nurture controversy?
It is a combonation of the 2 that shapes a person.
How have the roles of nature and nurture been studied?
Studies of identical twins compared to fraternal twins
What are the receptors for vision?
Rods and Cones
What are the receptors for hearing?
Hair Cells
What are 2 examples of sensory nerves?
Optic Nerves and Auditory Nerves
What are glial cells?
nervous system cells that provide structural support, insulation, and nutrients to the neurons
receives incoming messages
where the information is combined
Axon hillock
Carries outgoing message from soma to synapse
Messages being sent from one neuron to another must pass through here
Synaptic cleft
Small sacs in the axon terminal
Chemical messenger between neurons
Insulates the axon and speeds the action potential
Myelin sheath
Occurs when the axon is said to depolarize
Action potential
Indoming messages can be either __________ meaning... or _________ meaning...
excitatory meaning they tell the cell to send its own message OR inhibitory meaning they tell the cell NOT to send its own message
True OR False: Once the action potential is fired, it travels down the axon at varying sizes.
The central nervous system is composed of what 2 things?
brain and spinal cord
The hindbrain is composed of what 4 things?
reticular formation
In what order did the structures of the central nervous system evolve?
lower, middle, then cerebral cortex

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