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Grammar: Unit 8 Using Language to Classify


undefined, object
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A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea.

[Prancer] is a [reindeer].
The [man] shaped the [clay] with his [hands].
[Linda] visited a [museum] in [New York].
A preposition relates a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence.

The sun was [near] the horizon.
Fiery flares shot [between] the clouds.
Soon the trees blazed [with] gold.
A reindeer is related [to] other hoofed animals.
An adjective describes a noun or pronoun. Use adjectives to add details to your writing.

It thrives in [cold] climates.
Its coat looks [smooth].
An action verb shows action. When you write, use vivid action verbs that make the action clear.

It [eats] plants.

A linking verb shows being. A linking verb connects the subject with a word or words in the predicate.

A reindeer [is] a strong animal.
compound subject
A compound subject is two or more simple subjects that have the same predicate. Using compound subjects can make your writing less repetitious.

[Forest, mountains, and deserts] are animal habitats.
[Leon and I] will enjoy the talk.
compound predicates
A compound predicate is two or more verbs that have the same subject. You can use sentences with two or more verbs to add variety to your writing.

Carla [opened and read the book].
She [smiled, stretched, and turned the pages].
compund sentence
A compound sentence contains two or more simple sentences joined by a conjunction. When you write, you can use compound sentences to combine related ideas.

Llamas are tame, but guanacos are wild.
Guanacos are found in Peru, and camels live in Arabia.
run-on sentences
A run-on sentence is two or more sentences not separated by correct punctuation or connecting words. Avoid run-on sentences in your writing.

Reindeer live in the artic camels live in the desert.
A pronoun takes the place of a noun or nouns. When you write, use pronouns to avoid repeating the same nouns.

[It] lives in the artic.

Common pronouns: I, me, my, mine, you, yours, she, he, it, her, him, hers, his, its, we, us, our, ours, they, them, theirs.
An adverb describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

A reindeer is [very] quick.
It runs [extremly] [fast].

Here are some common adverbs. Notice that many adverbs end in -ly, especially adverbs that tell how.

How? gladly, slowly, suddenly, quietly
When? always, often, lately, never, now
Where? here, there, forward, outside
Grammar: Unit 8

Using Language to Classify

pg. 387

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