undefined, object
copy deck
- A young female with LLQ pain s/t simple cyst. What's the treatment?
- Repeat US in 6-8 weeks
- Enlarged, globular uterus w/ cystic areas in myometrium
- Adenomyosis
- RFs for pseudomonal UTI
- Metabolic & anatomic abnormalities
- MC manifestations of Trichomoniasis
- Vaginitis & urethritis
- MC etiologic agent of UTI in otherwise healthy 25 yof
- E. coli
- 38 yof 8 days s/p C/s w/ red, painful, fluctuant mass at lateral margin of incision. Afebrile. What treatment?
- I & D
- Complication of untreated wound abscess
- Spread to fascia, bacteremia, sepsis
- 27 yof w/ + RPR. What test is required as follow-up?
- Perinatal mortality rate of fetus infected by syphilis
- Up to 50%
- Sequelae of congenital syphilis
- Hydrops, macerated skin, hepatosplenomegaly
- Treatment of congenital syphilis
- Penicillin (+/- prior desensitization)
- MMR & pregnancy?
- Contraindicated
- For a rubella-nonimmune pregnant patient, when should MMR be administered?
- Postpartum
- Indications for RhoGAM in Rh- pregnant patient
- 28 weeks' gestation or with bleeding during pregnancy
- 23 yobf w/ normal Hb electrophoresis, no complaints, w/ Hb 11.2, WBC 11, Plt 154, nl MCV, nl ferritin. What type of anemia?
- Dilutional
- When is Hb diluting the most during pregnancy?
- 2nd trimester
- Anemia assoc w/ b-thal?
- Hypochromic, microcytic
- 2nd trimester pt w/ foul-smelling discharge & + chlamydia. What antibiotic?
- Azithromycin
- Complications of maternal chlamydia infection
- PPROM, premature labor
- Complication of congenital chlamydia infection
- Conjunctivitis
- Besides azithromycin, what else can be used to treat pregnant patient w/ chlamydia?
- Erythromycin or amoxicillin
- Why is doxycycline contraindicated in pregnancy?
- Effects on fetal teeth & bone
- Why are fluoroquinolones contraindicated in pregnancy?
- Arthropathies
- Why is streptomycin contraindicated in pregnancy?
- CN VIII damage
- 30-wks gestation, no contractions, no bleeding, fundal height 27 cm x 4 weeks. Dx = ?
- IUGR is associated with what fetal weight in percentile?
- < 10
- When is US dating of a pregnancy most accurate?
- Early
- Complications of hypothyroidism in pregnant patient?
- Preeclampsia, placental abruption, cretinism
- Two major RFs for uncomplicated UTI
- Sex & hypoestrogenism
- 67 yof not sexually active w/ genital atrophy & UTI
- Hypoestrogenism
- Sequelae of vertically-transmitted GBS
- Sepsis, meningitis, PNA
- Indications for treating GBS in pregnant patient
- h/o GBS-infected neonate, + urine/BCx,
- Why should asymptomatic bacteriuria in the pregnant woman be treated?
- Risk of PTD/low birth weight
- 3 meds used for treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant woman?
- TMP-SMX, nitrofurantoinm, cephalexin
- Most common reason for condom failure?
- Improper or inconsistent use
- Established consequences of hypothyroidism in pregnancy?
- LBW or still-born infant
- Besides LBW & still-births, what other consequences are associated with hypothyroidism in pregnancy?
- Preeclampsia, placental abruption, heart failure
- Is there any known association between taking the OCP during the first trimester & birth defects?
- No.
- Consequences of taking tetracycline during pregnancy
- Fetal teeth & bone malformations.
- G2P2 presents w/ depression, but denies S/H ideations. What's the appropriate action?
- Psych referral
- What are the three types of psychological illness in the postpartum period?
- Blues, depression, & psychosis
- Which ovarian neoplasm is associated with the carcinoid tumor?
- Struma ovarii
- What are the four most common mets to the ovary?
- Colon, breast, stomach, & pancreas.
- What is the advantage of vacuum extraction over the forceps in expediting delivery?
- Vacuum does not occupy space next to fetal head.
- Which type of presentation is a classic indication for forceps delivery?
- Face w/ mentum anterior
- What is the advantage of the vacuum providing more safe area around the head?
- Less damage to maternal tissues.
- In which situation will attempted vacuum delivery fail due to loss of suction?
- True CPD
- Which types of situations are best suited for forceps or vacuum delivery?
- < +2
- Contraindication to vacuum delivery
- Facial presentation, intact membranes
- contraindication to forceps delivery
- Intact membranes
- G2P2 has received 7 days of MTX for ectopic. LLQ pain & BhCG persist. No decrease in size of ectopic, but w/ increased fluid in pelvis. Treatment?
- Laparoscopy.
- What is the definitive surgical treatment of a ruptured ectopic?
- Salpingostomy or salpingectomy.
- Grayish vaginal discharge in pregnant patient which produces a strong amine odor with addition of KOH. Diagnosis?
- Bacterial vaginosis.
- Treatment of bacterial vaginosis =
- Metronidazole po
- Microbiology of bacterial vaginosis
- Decrease in lactobacilli & increase in anaerobic organisms.
- Grayish malodorous vaginal discharge
- Bacterial vaginosis
- Clue cells go with which clinical test?
- Whiff test
- Sequela of bacterial vaginosis
- Treatment of syphilis in pregnancy
- IM penicillin
- Treatment of GBS during labor
- IV penicillin
- First trimester bleeding
- Threatened ab
- Treatment of incomplete abortion
- D & C
- Definition of missed abortion
- Retention of a failed IUP for > 2 menstrual cycles
- Signs of PTL?
- 20-37 wks, contractions, dilation
- What is the treatment of PTL?
- Tocolytics, corticosteroids (wks 24-34), & penicillin
- How to prophylax against vertically-transmitted GBS in pen-allergic patient?
- Clinda or erythromycin
- How is placenta previa diagnosed?
- Sono
- What's the pH of the discharge produced in PPROM?
- Strongly basic
- Signs of uterine rupture in pregnancy
- Abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, & abnormal FHR
- Signs of PID
- Diffuse abdominal pain, no guarding, no rebound
- What's another name for Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome?
- Perihepatitis
- What's the pathogenesis of Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome?
- Inflammation & scarring of anterior surface of liver & surrounding peritoneum.
- First test of choice for PID
- Bimanual pelvic
- How much glucose is used in the GCT vs the GTT?
- 50 vs 100
- What's the Kleihauer-Betke test used for?
- Determining correct amount of RhoGAM to administer.
- Four situations where an unimmunized Rh- patients should receive RhoGAM
- 28 wks gestation, w/in 72 hrs after birth of Rh+ infant, after spontaneous Ab, or after amniocentesis
- What's the main difference between the OCP & HRT?
- Dosage
- An excellent test to rule out TOA or appy
- US
- "Cottage cheese" vaginal discharge
- Candidiasis
- Clue cells
- Bacterial vaginosis
- Treatment for newly resolved herpes in 36 wk patient
- Prophylactic acyclovir
- Initial drug of choice for PMDD?
- Fluoxetine
- Consequence of excessive Vitamin B6?
- Peripheral neuropathy
- "Bad flu" plus labial rash
- Genital herpes
- Prodrome of herpes genitalis
- Tingling, itching, burning.
- Sequelae of gonorrhea in the pregnant patient
- PTD & chorioamnionitis
- How is ceftriaxone given to the pregnant patient w/ GC?
- One-time IM injection
- When can Flagyl be used on the pregnant patient?
- 2nd or 3rd trimester
- Maternal serum markers suggesting Down's Syndrome?
- Low AFP, low estriol, relatively high HCG
- Window for chorionic villus sampling
- 9 to 12 wks
- Another name for cordocentesis
- In a patient with h/o incompetent cervix who declines cerclage placement, when should vaginal exams begin?
- 16 wks
- When does cervical incompetence cause miscarriages?
- 2nd trimester
- RFs for cervical incompetence
- Trauma, Mullerian anomalies, DES
- Where might a cerclage be placed?
- At internal os after bladder dissection or as high up on cervix as possible
- When's a cerclage place?
- Between wks 12 & 16
- When's a cerclage removed?
- 37 wks
- Treatment of uterine hyperstimulation d/t oxytocin?
- Discontinue oxytocin
- How much dilation is required for forceps- or vacuum-assisted delivery?
- Full
- Role of antibiotics in pregnant pt w/ mitral valve prolapse desiring C-section?
- Not needed
- Woman w/ no risk factors for breast CA or family history who asks for BRCA screening?
- No benefit
- 31 yo woman at 9 wks gestation w/ resolved profuse bleeding, closed os, & no products of conception seen on US. What treatment?
- Counseling
- DDx of first-trimester bleeding
- Ectopic, incomplete abortion, missed abortion, inevitable abortion, threatened abortion, and complete abortion.
- Most common significant sequela of complete previa
- Placenta accreta
- Major RFs for previa
- Maternal age, minority, previous C-section
- What's the placenta attached to in placenta accreta?
- Myometrium
- Radical treatment of previa + accreta?
- Post-delivery hysterectomy
- Relationship between previa & IUFD
- None demonstrated
- 4 days s/p C-section w/ fever & incision that is discolored, cyanotic, & numb
- Necrotizing fasciitis
- Common cause of necrotizing fasciitis in ob setting?
- C-section
- What's lochia?
- Period-like vaginal discharge following delivery
- Signs of endometritis
- Abd pain, foul-smelling lochia, fever, malaise, uterine tenderness
- An absolute contraindication to IUD?
- Multiple partners and h/o recent STD
- Symptoms of adenomyosis?
- Heavy or abnormal uterine bleeding & dysmenorrhea
- How does one diagnose adenomyosis?
- Histologically
- Hallmark finding of leiomyosarcoma?
- Rapidly expanding solitary uterine mass
- Which drugs can be used in the treatment of typical UTI in the pregnant patient?
- TMP-SMX, nitrofurantoin, cephalexin
- Most significant cause of morbidity w/ a dermoid cyst?
- Torsion
- Hematologic sequela of mature cystic teratoma
- Hemolytic anemia
- Urinary frequency + incontinence associated with coughing, laughing, or weight lifting = ?
- Stress incontinence
- Pelvic floor exercises used to treat stress incontinence
- Kegel maneuvers
- What are three causes of functional incontinence?
- Psycologic unwillingness or pathology, immobility, & physical barriers.
- Causes of overflow incontinence
- Detrusor sphincter dyssynergy or anatomic abnormalities
- Treatment of overflow incontinence
- Surgery and/or cath
- What's the cause of urge incontinence?
- Neurologic
- Treatment of sexual preference issues
- Refer to psychological counseling
- Complications of tamoxifen therapy
- DVT, menopausal sx, endometrial CA
- When should evaluation of late menarche be done?
- 15
- The best candidates for a LEEP procedure
- Does a LEEP require hospitalization?
- No
- Infectious complications of LEEP
- Cervicitis, parametritis, salpingitis, pelvic abscess
- Long-term complications of a LEEP?
- Cervical incompetence or stenosis
- Why is uterine perforation more common in postmenopausal women?
- Uterus is more anteflexed or atrophied
- Definition of inevitable abortion?
- Rupture of membranes or cervical dilation in first half of pregnancy
- Retention of failed IUP for more than 2 cycles
- Missed ab
- When should a pregnant woman get a HepB test?
- First visit
- When should a pregnant woman get a Pap smear?
- First visit
- Medical treatment of postpartum endometritis?
- Clinda-gent
- Mechanism of infection in postpartum endometritis?
- Ascending
- First step in suspected rupture of ectopic?
- Laparoscopy
- What's the advantage of progestasert?
- Decreased menorrhagia
- What's the advantage of Mirena?
- Decreased bleeding & cramping
- Initial treatment of TOA
- IV abx
- PID affects which cells primarily?
- Epithelial cells of fallopian tube
- Causes of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
- Gonadotropins of clomiphene citrate
- Si/Sx of severe OHSS?
- Ascites, hydrothorax, oliguria, hemoconcentration.
- Treatment options for severe OHSS?
- Paracentesis, thoracentesis, or surgery.
- What is the correct action if an HIV-positive woman w/ no h/o mental illness decides to deliver vaginally?
- Respect decision
- What is the most common physical symptom associated w/ PMDD?
- Abdominal bloating
- 49 yo previously healthy f w/ irritability, fatigue, and new variability in menstrual cycles. What's the diagnosis?
- Perimenopause
- What is the location of Bartholin's glands in relation to the vagina?
- Near posterior fourchette
- Where on a clock would Bartholin's glands be located?
- 5 and 7
- What type of catheter is used in the treatment of a Bartholin's abscess?
- Word
- When is marsupialization of a Bartholin's abscess appropriate?
- When Word catheter fails
- What's another name for granuloma inguinale?
- Donovanosis
- Cause of Donovanosis?
- Calymmatobacterium granulomatis
- What are the signs of granuloma inguinale?
- Papules progressing to ulcers
- Common cause of hematocolpos?
- Imperforate hymen
- Treatment of arrest of dilation?
- IV oxytocin
- Treatment of torsed benign cystic teratoma
- Laparoscopy
- When is an oophorectomy warranted in the treatment of a torsed benign cystic teratoma?
- When the detorsed ovary looks non-viable & necrotic
- Young pt with menorrhagia and elevated aPTT?
- vW dz
- An example of an absolute contraindication to CS?
- A classic uterine scar
- Compared to amniocentesis, CVS places the fetus at greater risk for what?
- Limb defects
- When can CVS be performed?
- 10 to 12 wks
- When is amniocentesis done?
- 2nd trimester
- 34 yo F with dyschezia, dyspareunia, and dysmenorrhea. She is guiac negative. Diagnosis established via what?
- Laparoscopy
- What's another word for endometrioma?
- Chocolate cyst
- What is visualized when a sonographer detects an endometrioma?
- Adnexal enlargement
- Some RFs for an infection characterized by thick white vaginal discharge w/ pruritus?
- Systemic steroids, abx, DM, OCP
- Precipitants of genital herpes recurrences
- Sex, stress, intercurrent disease
- What is mupirocin used for?
- 2nd line for S. aureus skin infections
- How can terbinafine be anti-Candidal?
- Systemic administration
- What's the window period for meperidine administration leading to respiratory depression in the newborn?
- 2 to 3 hours
- Indications for administering penicillin in labor
- Either h/o GBS-infected neonate or h/o GBS in urine
- What is the most common side effect of giving corticosteroids to a 30 wk pregnant patient?
- Increased maternal insulin requirement
- Greenish-gray vaginal discharge plus petechial cervical lesions
- Trichomoniasis
- Strawberry cervix
- Trichomoniasis
- How is vaginal fluid treated in order to diagnose candidiasis?
- KOH, saline, or Gram Stain
- Sequelae of trichomoniasis in pregnancy
- PTD, low BW, PPROM
- A pregnant patient's BP hovers around 140/90 - 144/92 since before her pregnancy. What do you do?
- Follow BPs.
- Sequelae of chronic hypertension in a pregnant patient?
- Preeclampsia, abruption, fetal growth restriction, PTD
- When should antihypertensive therapy begin for a pregnant patient?
- Persistent diastolic > 100
- Sequelae of beta blockers during pregnancy?
- Sequelae of ACE inhibitors during pregnancy?
- Fetal anomalies & death
- Common side effect of raloxifene?
- Hot flashes
- Raloxifene & osteoporosis?
- Preventive
- Bilateral malar rashes on face in pregnant woman?
- Normal/chloasma/melasma
- Treatment for pregnant pt w/ mitral valve prolapse & regurge going into labor?
- No abx
- Definition of compound presentation?
- Prolapse of an extremity w/ presenting part
- Treatment for compound presentation?
- Expectant management
- Complications of vitamin A excess during pregnancy?
- Cranial neural crest malformations
- Fluctuant mass at margin of incision in postop patient?
- Wound abscess
- Proper treatment of abdominal wound abscess?
- Consequences of inadequate treatment of chancroid?
- Draining sinuses
- Something used to soften an unfavorable cervix
- PGE2 gel
- Major side effect of PGE2 gel?
- Uterine hyperstimulation
- 19 yo F w/ normal appearing breasts but blind-ended vaginal pouch & scant pubic hair
- Androgen insensitivity syndrome
- Treatment of androgen insensitivity syndrome?
- b/l orchiectomies
- Four cardinal features of Kallman's syndrome?
- Amenorrhea, color-blindedness, anosmia, facial deformities
- Treatment for condyloma accuminata?
- Cryotherapy, laser therapy, tricholoracetic acid, or imiquimod
- Predisposing factors for transmission of GBS from infected patient to fetus?
- PTD, PPROM, & T > 38 C
- Drugs that can be used for GBS Px in pen-allergic pt?
- Clinda, Erythro, (cefazolin), vanco
- Treatment of pyelo w/ possible sepsis?