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Odyssey Review Questions!


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What is an archetype?
A recurring pattern of situations, characters, or opposites that show up in cultures all over the world throughout history.
Who are the characters for Spiderman and what archetypes do they represent?
Spiderman- Hero
Green Goblin- Creature of Nightmare
M.J.- Damsel in Distress
What is a myth?
a traditioma; stpry or popular tale a/b Gods, Kings, & heroes
What do myths attempt to explain?
Nature through analogical reasoning.
What were some characteristics of the Greek Gods?
human shape- feeling human emotion- performing human & superhuman acts
Who were the 6 original Olympians and what did each rule over?
Hestia- Goddess of Family
Hera- Queen of the Gods
Hades- King of the Underworld
Demeter- Goddess of Harvest
Poseidon- King of the Sea
Zeus- King of the Gods
Who was Athena and how did she help Odysseus during his journey?
Goddess of war & practical wisdom...She tried to help him return home to Ithaca-she disguised him as a beggar when he returned home to Ithaca
Ultimately, Where was Odysseus headed?
What is it called when a story is passed down by word of mouth throughout the generations, often sung?
Oral Tradition
The Odyssey is an epic. What does that mean?
a long narrative poem that tells of the adventures of a hero who reflects the ideals and values of nation or race
What is an epic hero? Give an example of one.
of nobile birth or high position- of great historical or legendary importance....Odysseus.
What is Odysseus' tragic flaw?
Whats an epithet?
a descriptive phrase that represents a particular trait of a preson or thing
Who is the protagonist in the Odyssey? Who are some of the antagonists?
Protagonist- Odysseus
Antagonist- Circe..Polyphemus..Scylla...Charybdis
What is the name of Odysseus' son?

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