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Peds Test GU part II


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diurnal enuresis
occurs in waking hours
lower UTI: frequency, dysuria, urgency, enuresis, stong smelling urine
when level reaches 6mEq/L
potassium is restricted in treatment of ARF when _______________-
treatment of pyelonephritis
rehydration, antipyretics, 7-10 days IV antibiotics followed by oral
management of chronic renal failure
medications and diet restrictions
ARF diet
intake restricted, maximum calories, maximum protein, fluid restrictions, low sodium, low potassium
emotional risk factors of enuresis
family disruption, INAPPROPRIATE PRESSURE DURING TOILET TRAINING, inadequate attention to voiding, decreased self esteem
upper UTI: high fever, chills, abd. pain flank pain, persistant vomiting, dehydration
postrenal acute renal failure (ARF)
results from obstruction of urine outflow from both kidneys (problem occurs after the kidney)
especially with dysfunctional voiding
Biofeedback is used ______________
polycystic kidney disease
associated with liver abnormalities: genetic disorder
occurs aftera period of at least 6-12 months of dryness
treatment of cystitis
trimethoprim sulmethoxazole for 5-7 days, encourage fluids
symptoms of hemolytic uremic sydnrome
BLOODY DIARRHEA, GI symptoms: infectious nature (E coli)
nocturnal enuresis
occurs at night during slep
alkylating agent
given if relapse occurs after steriods withdrawn in patients with nephrotic syndrome
end stage renal disease
requires either dialysis or transplant
treatment for nephroic syndrome
hospitalization, prednisone for 6 weeks then gradual tapering, albumin and diuretics, oral penicillin, NO ADDED SALT DIET, no live virus vaccines
boys ages 2-6 years
nephrotic syndrome occurs most often in _________________
hemolytic uremic syndrome
most common cause of acute failure in children
nephrotic syndrome
kidney disorder: edema, massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hypoproteinemia, hyerlipidemia, altered immunity, RISK FOR BLOOD CLOTS
medicine for diurnal enuresis
anticholinergic: oxybutynin chloride
occasions nights or periods of dryness
must continue immunosuppressant drugs
patients with end stage renal disease must _________________________
never expeienced periods of dryess
afer age 6
when enuresis becomes a concern
prerenal acute renal failure (ARF)
results from poor circulation to kidney from dehydration, hypotension, cardiac failure, septicemia, blood loss, obstruction of renal artery (problem occurs due to decreased blood to kidney)
prevention of UTI
wipe front to back, cotton panties, go when you need to, drink lots of water
administer sodium bicarb
if metabolic acidosis occurs in ARF
medicine for primary nocturnal enuresis
imipramine hydrocholoride, desmopressin
intrinsic acute renal failure (ARF)
results from ischemic damage to kidney (problem in kidney itself)
suggestive of UTI
fever without focus for infection in children 2-24 months

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