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Anatomy & Physiology 2


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Describe the functions of the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Synthesizes lipids and detoxifies certain molecules
What is another name for mitochondria?
"Powerhouses" of the cell
Describe Passive Cell Processes
Mechanisms that move substances across a membrane WITHOUT using cellular energy(by splitting ATP)
What are mitochondria functions?
1)ATP generator
2)stores chemical energy for various cellular activities that require energy,(i.e. muscle contractions, transporting substances across cell membrane)
Describe the function of Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum(ER)
Synthesize proteins that will be secreted
What role of the cell does centrioles play?
Formation and regeneration of flagella dn cilia
Describe centrioles and their functions
1)Pairs of cylindrical structures w/in centrosomes
What is the functions of the Endoplasmic Reticulum?
1)continuous with the nuclear envelope
2)Two types, rough(granular), studded with ribosomes and smooth(agranular), no ribosomes
Give functions of ribosomes
1)Either free in cytosol(fluid portion of cytoplasm), or attached to ER
2)sites of protein synthesis
Describe the Golgi complex and it's functions
1)small membranous sacs located near nucleus
2)Processes, sorts and packages proteins and lipids into secretory vesicles for export or insertion into cell membrane
3)Forms lysosomes
Name the functions of Lysosomes
1)contains digestive enzymes
2)digest bacteria and other substances that enter cell
3)recycle the cells own structures
4)formed in golgi complex
What part of the cell is known as the "digestive system" of cell?
What is the cytoskeleton?
1)Gives cell it's shape
2)complex internal network of filamentous proteins in cytoplasm
3)made up of microfilaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments
4)allows for coordinated movements of organelles and sometimes, movement of cell itself
Name the functions of the cell membrane
1)AKA plasma membrane
2)outer membrane of cell
3)comprised mostly of phospholipids and proteins(bilayer)
4)separates cell's internal components from extracellular materials and environment
5)gatekeeper of cell
6)regulates passage of substances in/out of cell
7)selective permeability
Describe Active Cell Processes
Mechanisms that move substances across a membrane WITH cellular energy(ATP), because they need to move against the concentration gradient.
Name the functions of the nucleus
1)largest structure in cell
2)genes found here, the hereditary units of cell
3)genes(made of DNA) control cellular structure and cell activity
4)genes arranged along chromosomes
5)humand cells have 46 chromosomes
6)contains nucleoli
Name the cellular structures
1)Endoplasmic Reticulum
2)Golgi Apparatus
4)Fibrils and Microfibrils
5)Cell membrane
Where is the nucleoli found and what is there purpose?
1)Found in the nucleus
2)sites of ribosome assembly

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