patho summer 06
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- Lower lobe is a _____ structure, thus an infiltrate in the lower lobe will silhouette the ____, not the heart
2)diaphragm - Compliance curve--when compliance increases the curve shifts____
- Left
- When compliance decreases, the curve shifts___
- right
- Obesity, pregnancy,kyphoscoliosis, stiff chest muscles, increased FRC cause___
- respiratory system compliance to decrease
- PEEP was developed in the OR because
- when patients are sedatesd and paralyzed their respiratory muscles relax and FRC decreased, resulting in a lower FRC.
- Increased physiologic dead space and intrapulmonary shunting cause mismatch that requires____
- increased postive pressure ventilation and increased PEEP
- Tidal volume for an ARDS patient
- 6cc-kg
- Percentages of intubated patients who develop nosocomial pneumonia
1)20 percent after 4 days
2)40 percent after a week on the vent - Problems associated with invasive mechanical ventilation
1)upper airway is no longer intact
2)vocal cord damage, tracheal stenosis
4)no communication
5)increased sedation
6)cough mechanism is compromised - Characteristics of pressure support
1)Patient is ventilated to a set pressure
2)flow is initially rapid, then varies to pt. compliance, inspiratory demand, or volume changes to deliver a set pressure
3)Tc, I time, and RR are all controlled by the patient
4)PSV reduces the load on inspiratory muscles, reduces WOB, 02 consumption, and improves synchrony between pts. and the ventilator - Why does PEEP work with ARDS people?
- Because it increases FRC, and creates a reservoir
- To help prevent aspiration, the cuff should be maintained at
- at least 18 cm H2O
- Problems associated with mainsterm intubation
1)Decreased ventilation of the left lung, possible atalectasis in the left lung
2)Increased PIPs with VC
3)decreased oxygentation due to shunting - Characteristics of a tension pneumothorax
1)Respiratory distress
2)Absence of BS
4)distended neck veins
5)unilateral absence of BS
6)Tracheal deviation
7)mediastinal shift
8)hypotension - Indications for acute NIV
1)alveolar hypoventilation
2)ventilatory muscle fatigue
3)early extubation
4)C-spine injury
5)end stage disease
6)extrathoracic inspiratory stridor
8)Post op patients with OSA - Pathologies that respond well to NIV (Strong evidence for)
3)immunocompromised patients - Pathologies were there is less evidence of success with NIV
4)Hypoxemic respiratory failure
6)post-ops - Why patients with CHF benefit from NIV
Patients who have COPD benefit from the effects of positive pressure on venous return
a)decreaased blood volume causes a decrease in ventricular filling pressures - Contraindiactions for NIV
1)hemodynamically unstable
2)need for intubate intubation
3)Swallowing dysfunction
4)Inability to protect the upper airway (OD, hemoptysis patients)
5)uncooperative patients (except for CO2 narcosis)
6)excessive secretions
7)facial trauma
8)active GI bleeding - Common predictors for worse outcome with NIV
1)Ph less than 7.25
2)APACHe scale greater than 29
3)GCS less than 11
4)RR greater than 36 - APACHE score chracteristics
compilation of physiologic and demogrpahis factors like age, chronic disease, and hemodynamic status
(The greater the no, the greater the risk for mortality - Pressure support should be at least ___ for patients on Bipap
- 4 cm H2O
- breathing for quadraplegis pts.
1)Abdomen moves up as diaphragm contracts
2)chest wall moves down, since he chest muscles are not innervated and do not contract - Kink in the tube
- Belly will move progressively downward
- Fine crackles heard at the end of inpiration
- Consistent with CHF or pneumonia
- Methods used to evaluate the adequacy oxygentation
1)Central cyanosis
2)mental deterioration
3)SPo2 - Compromises to sat probes
2)diagnostic dyes
3)hemoglobin abnormalities - Central cyanosis will occur when____
- When oxygen content is reduced by 5 ml per 100 cc of blood cyanosis will occur
- A patient with chronic bronchitis_______
- May be cyanotic with a relatively modest decrease in O2 saturation
- Increasing PCO2 will cause ______ in the brain
- vasodilation