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Neuro: Brain and Behavior


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What are the causes of abnormal behavior?
1. deviant structure and function
2. learning of deviant ideas
3. brain pathology
What are the 3 different "brain functional organizations"?
1. left and right hemisphere "traditional" organization
2. bottom-up, phylogenetic organization
3. anterior brain - posterior brain organization
Dominant Hemisphere (4 styles?)
(direct opposite of non-dom hemi)...detailed-oriented, processes information in a stepwise fashion, logical, subserves social emotions (pride, gratitude)
Non-Dominant Hemisphere (4 styles?)
(direct opposite of dom hemi)...gestalt oriented, processes information in multiple channels, creative, subserves primary emotion (anger, anxiety)
Dominant hemisphere handles...? (4)
-verbal learning and memory
-verbal reasoning and planning
-complex learned fine hand movements
Non-Dominant hemisphere handles...? (3)
-prosody (emotional and gesturing components of language)
-visual learning and memory
-spatial information
Disconnection Syndrome (4 tasks?)
-ask the patient to close eyes and tie shoes
-ask the patient to close eyes, examiner positions one of patients hands and asks the person to do the same thing with the other hand
- by tachistoscope, a funny picture is presented to the right hemisphere of a patient with a callosal section. he laughs, but cannot explain why
- patient cannot copy a figure with his right hand, but can do so with the left.
Left Hemisphere Dysfunction (3 symptoms?)
-auditory hallucinations
-catastrophic reactions
-common emotions: sadness, suspiciousness, euphoria, anxiety
Right Hemisphere Dysfunction (6 symptoms?)
-abnormal moods and behaviors
-expressive/receptive aprosodia
-eating disorders
-experiential hallucinations
-common emotions: dysphoria, aggression, impulsiveness
Frontal Lobe Functions (6)
-abstract reasoning
-problem solving
Frontal Lobe Syndromes (6)
-praxic disturbances
-language disturbances
-impaired workng memory
-motor problems
-primitive reflexes
-prefrontal syndromes
Temporal Lobe Functions (5)
-new learning and memory
-flight/fight behaviors
-auditory sensory processing
-auditory and visual perceptiion
-providing emotional tone and meaning to sensory input
Temporal Lobe Syndromes (5)
-anterograde amnesia
-impaired episodic memory
-impaired retrieval of specific semantic knowledge
-severe propagnosia
-visual object agnosia

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