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What is the tx for isotonic dehydration?
tx underlying cause, replace fluids with iso or match type of loss, monitor daily I/O, skin turgor, LOC, VS, BUN, hematocrit, Lytes
What are the hypokalemia serum levels?
Mild: 3-3.5 meq/L
Modd: 2.5-3.0 meq/L
Sev: <2.5 meq/L
causes & process of hypokalemia
excessive excretion or inadequate intake of K, transcellular shift ECF to ICF
tx for isotonic overhydration
and goal
underlying cause, restrict fluids, diuretics, monitor daily: I/O, VS, CXR, BUN, hematocrit
Goal: urine excretion= 1ml/kg/hr
tx for hypokalemia
correct underlying cause: hypomagnesemia, K supplements, K-sparing diuretic
Hyperkalemia serum levels
mild: 5.5-6 meq/L
modd: 6.1-6.9
sev: >7
hyperkalemia causes/process
excessive amts of K intake or decrease excretion, trancellular shift ICF-ECF
hyperkalemia presentation
N/V/D, brady, paresthesias, cardiac arrhythmia, EKG changes, confusion
what drugs can induce hyponatremia?
Cisplatin, Cyclophosphamide, Carbamazepine, Clonide, Morphine, NSAIDS, TCAs, Vasopressin
hypernatremia definition/process
serum >145 mEq/L, water deficit in ECF or increased Na intake, fluid shift from ICF to ECF, cellular shinkage

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