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New Testament Quiz 3


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From our discussion, which Sermon offended many of the disciples and they “walked no more with him?”
Bread of Life Sermon
Which Old Testament prophet did the Jews use as an example to put down the Savior’s miracle of feeding the multitude with the bread and fish?
What event led up to the Bread of Life sermon?
The feeding of the 5000
Which of the following is the location where Peter testified that Jesus was the Christ and Jesus promised Peter the keys of the kingdom?
Caesarea Philippi
The word “parable” in Greek means:
“To cast along side”
Which parable had to do with the importance of following Moses and the prophets?
Parable of Rich Man and Lazarus
Who helps us to understand the interpretation of the parables recorded in Matthew 13?
Joseph Smith the Prophet
Of the following parables, which one was presented by the Savior in response to a lawyer’s question “what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”
The parable of the Good Samaritan
Which parable did the Prophet Joseph tell us was the coming forth of the Book of Mormon to fill the earth?
Parable of the Mustard seed
“My Father”
“I am the bread of life”
“My Beloved Son”
“I am the good shepherd”
“Eat the flesh of the Son”
What feast did Jesus miss because they sought to kill him?
Feast of the Passover
Which of the following feasts is like our Thanksgiving Celebration?
Feast of the tabernacles
Which of the following doctrines help us understand the Savior’s doctrin of “My sheep hear my voice?”
Pre-mortal existence
The prophet Joseph Smith said that the rock upon which the church is built is
According to the Savior, what kinds of people seek for signs?
Adulterous generation
Wheat and tares
The leaven
three witnesses
Mustard Seed
Book of Mormon
Gospel Net
End of the world-judgement
Which parable spoke of noble man who desire one risen from the dead to visit his five brothers so they would believe?
Rich man and lazarus
According to our discussion, the multitude came over to the other side of the Sea of Galilee after the feeding of the 5000 for what purpose?
Because they received food the day before and they were hungry again
The Savior’s miracles were permanent, immediate and complete, except which of the following?
Healing of the blind man
Which of the following parables is the only one which actually uses a name?
Parable of a Rich man, his five brothers, and a beggar
Which of the following phrases are used constantly in the Book of John to remind us that Jesus is Jehovah and He is divine?
“I am”
Which parable can be liken to the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and his desire to aid us when we are in need?
The Good Samaritan

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