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Unit 6: Genetics


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A vs B blood.
A blood has A anitgens and B antibodies. B blood has B antigens and A antibodies.
AB blood
AB blood has AB antigens, but no antibodies, and is the universal reciever.
Happens when an antigen reacts with its antibody, blood clotting.
Dihybrid Cross
Produces a 9:3:3:1 ratio.
Dominant vs Recessive
Dominant traits show unless no dominant allele is present.
Genotypic ratio
Homozygous vs Heterozygous
Homo- the same, hetero- different.
Incomplete vs Codominance.
Incomplete is a blend, codominance is when both traits are shown, each are written with to different capital letters.
Experimented with alleles and pea plants.
O blood
O blood has no antigens, but both A and B antibodies, and is the universal donor.
Phenotypic ratio
Punnett squares
Helpful in determining probability and genetics.
Rh Factor
Either - or +. + has antigens, - has antibodies. + should not be put into a - person
Rh factor + pregnancy
If a + baby's blood enters a - mother's blood it will build up antibodies, against the +, and when reentering the baby, the antibodies will destroy its blood.
Segregation vs Independant Assortment
Segregation is the idea that during Meiosis, the alleles seperate to make possible combinations. Independant Assorment is the idea that all traits are determined differently.
Sex-linked traits
located on either the x-chromosome, or y chromosome.
Test Cross
To find whether pure or hetero, cross it with a recessive.

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