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PGS101 Final Exam


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______ is the one who wanted a woman
Kjell Bjarne
Interfere with functioning Causes physical danger to anyone and/or patient personal distress
Psychologist bible, classifies all psychodiagnosis disorders
DSM-IV | Five Axes
I - Clinical Syndromes II - Personality Disorders III - Medical Conditions IV - Psychosocial Problems V - Global assessment of functioning
Anxiety Disorders
Excessive apprehension
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
not caused by any specific threat anxious all the time, excessive apprehension ubiquitous, not tied to any certain event or people
Phobic Disorders
irrational fears has to mess with your functioning and cause you personal distress extreme version of a phobia tied to a specific object or situation--a specific threat
Panic Disorders
reoccurring attacks that are not tied to specific events; seem to come out of nowhere
fear of open spaces usually can not leave their home has own section in the DSM because of the condition
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Persistent obtrusive thoughts along with a need to engage in unnecessary rituals because of those thoughts most common of the thoughts is fear of germs excessively wash hands "Obsessive Checking Behavior" - never know if they turned off the oven burner and keep checking
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Large portion are war veterans Sometimes it is so bad that once they come home they can no longer function
Genetics of Anxiety Disorders
Genes make someone more prone to a disorder, but is not guaranteed
Neurochemicals of Anxiety Disorders
Decreased GABBA activities and Serotonin activity is related to psychiatry disorders
Classical and Operant Conditioning & Anxiety Disorders
Classical conditioning forms the phobic behavior, but Operant conditioning maintains it
Cognitive of Anxiety Disorders
There is a difference in how people with anxiety disorders interpret thins compared to those without the disorder
Personality & Anxiety Disorders
The level of Neuroticism in a person is directly correlated to Personality issues that they might have
Stress & Anxiety Disorders
Going through adolescence is stressful, and most disorders do not reveal themselves until adolescence.
Somatoform Disorders
physical ailment with no organic basis
Somatization Disorder
History of very diverse physical complaints. Largely tied to Neuroticism
Conversion Disorder
Loss of function in a single organ system with no physical basis. paralysis of a body part, will not respond to reflexes
Excessive preoccupation or worry about having a serious illness
Personality & Somatoform Disorders
Neuroticism is clearly linked to somatoform disorders Hysteria is also linked to somatoform
Cognitive & Somatoform Disorders
Just by learning this information, our cognitive state has changed and so has our predisposition to psychological disorders
Sick Role & Somatoform Disorders
The attention that is received from being sick can be very rewarding. Especially if they have been deprived of attention in the past.
Dissociative Disorders
memory dissociations
Dissociative Amnesia
Loss of memory or information that is tied to a certain event "Motivated Fogetting"
Dissociative Fugue
Loss of memory for all identifying information Strongly implies that all identifying information is stored in a common area
Dissociative Identify Disorder
"Multiple Personality Disorder" (not the same as Schizophrenia) Coexistence of more than one personality within an individual, with dissociations between them in memory
Physiology & Dissociative Disorders
Physiological processes (like blood pressure) can change between personalities
Etiology of Dissociative Disorders
Stress Early Trauma
Mood Disorders
emotional disturbances
Bipolar Disorder
Alternating experiences of Mania and Depression
Characteristics of Mania
Sexually reckless behavior Increased self esteem Decreased need for sleep Grandoise planning Never stop talking
Neurotransmitters & Mood Disorders
declines in neuroprinifem and serotonin
Genetics & Mood Disorders
genetic component of mood disorders
Cognitive & Mood Disorders
negative thoughts are related to depression, and negative self-talk
Social Skills & Mood Disorders
Correlation between problems with social skills and mood disorders
Schizophrenia Disorders
disruptive, disturbing thoughts
Paranoid (Schizophrenia)
Suffer from delusions of persecution and/or grandeur
Disordered (Schizophrenia)
affect behavior and speech maladapted behavior personalized speech
Catatonic (Schizophrenia)
Characterized by motor disturbances Strict immobility to excessive repetition of a purposeless activity
New Proposed Classification (Schizophrenia)
Symptoms are either classified as "positive" or "negative" Would help medication, as positive and negative medications are much different.
Genetics & Schizophrenia
One Parent = 17% Both Parents = 46%
Neurochemicals & Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia deals with the access of Dopamine
Brain Structure & Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is related to enlarged ventricles that circulate spinal fluid. Possible cause is prenatal brain damage
Insanity Defense (Psych & The Law)
A person can not be held responsible or their actions because of their mental illness (Crim must be intentional)
Lake Woebegon Effect
People think they are smarter than they actually are. (its psychologically healthy)
Assumed Consensus Effect
People assume that everyone is more like them than they actually are.
Halo Effect
If someone has one or two good personally traits, it is assumed that they have all good traits.
Expectancy Effects
ie. fake "self-help" tapes working. Musical Recital/Card Game
Spotlight Effect
Inflated beliefs of being the center of others' attention People are generally much busier with their own impression management
Context Effect
Beautiful vs Ugly Room Study People in the beautiful rooms rated them far higher on average than the ugly room.
Priming Effects (Donald Study)
What's on the subject's mind plays a big role in what we think of someone
Unwanted Thoughts
White Bear study if told not to think about white bears, the subjects kept thinking about them.
beliefs that are most likely tied to a personality trait based on group membership.
emotion/affect of like/dislike based solely on their group membership
behavior, treating someone differently based on group membership
Attitude Theory / Learning
Classical Conditioning - learning by association Operating Conditioning - learning by reward/punishment Observational Learning - learning by observing
Persuasion Factors
credibility trusthworthiness attractiveness likeability
Message Factors
strength validity repetition
Audience Factors
forewarning latitude of acceptance
Passionate Love (Walster & Walster)
Complete sexual attraction Agony and Ecstasy (roller coaster) of emotion Decreases over time.
Companionate Love (Walster & Walster)
Experience things together for a lifetime. Grows stronger over time.
Sternberg's Triangular Theory
Intimacy Passion - sexual arousal Commitment - an intention to stay in the relationship
Hendrick's Love Styles
Eros, Ludus, Storge, Pragma, Mania, Agape
Eros (Hendrick Love Styles)
physical feelings, physical arousal, very quick relationships.
Ludus (Hendrick Love Styles)
very "notch on bedpost", approaches love like a game.
Storge (Hendrick Love Styles)
need love to evolve from friendships, or long relationships
Pragma (Hendrick Love Styles)
very sensible, choose mate for a specific, pragmatic reason
Mania (Hendrick Love Styles)
manic style approaches relationship with a need for drama, ups and downs.
Agape (Hendrick Love Styles)
selfless altruistic love, spiritual, motherly love.
Asch's Conformity Experiment
the first six people said that the two lengths were the same, and the seventh person just went along with it.
Outcomes (Hendrick Love Styles)
Thought: Men-->Eros, Women-->Agape Found: Men/Women have equal chance of Agape/Eros Men were Ludus Women were Storge and Pragma.
Mass Murderers (Extreme Deviance)
Kills many in short time Stick to their profile (MO) White, middle-class, middle-aged men. Usually want to die if they are given the chance
Serial Killers (Extreme Deviance)
One victim at a time Sticks to a Profile (MO) White, middle-class, middle-aged men. Love to kill-get addicted No evidence of rehabilitation
Milgram's Obedience Study
Teacher/Learner If "teacher" thought information was coming from a credible source, they would act on it without question.
Social Loafing (Group Behavior)
Groups make someone feel less responsible than if they were working alone.
Bystander Effect (Group Behavior)
More likley that you will get help on a lightly traveled road in comparison to a busy freeway.
_____ helped ______ discover himself, a sense of identity. He felt superior at ______.
Poetry, Elling, Poetry
______ was in the institution for 20 years. and _____ was in for 2.5 years.
Kjell Bjarne, Elling
Kjell's work with craftsmanship and repairing gave him __________ : the christmas gift, or fixing Reidan's plumbing.
a sense of identity
Elling probably had a(n) _________ disorder.
Kjell' violence was directed at _______ for the first half of the movie.
Elling never drank alcohol because...
he tried to sell his mother to one of his friends (Extreme deviance).
Thomas Szasz
He is a prominent figure in the antipsychiatry movement, a well-known social critic of the moral and scientific foundations of psychiatry, and of the social control aims of medicine in modern society, as well as of scientism.
Diagnosis is the identification, by process of elimination, of the nature of anything.
a medical term denoting the doctor's prediction of how a patient will progress, and whether there is a chance of recovery.

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