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ceremony in which the President takes the oath of office.
act or decision that sets an example for others to follow
Judiciary Act
a 1789 law that created the structure of the Supreme Court and set up a system of district courts and circuit courts for the nation
a certificate that promises to repay the money borrowed on a certain date.
someone who invests in a risky venture in the hope of making a large profit
Alexander Hamilton
1789-1795; First Secretary of the Treasury. He advocated creation of a national bank, assumption of state debts by the federal government, and a tariff system to pay off the national debt.
Bank of US
national bank proposed by alexander hamilton served as a central depository for US gov and had the authority to issue currency
Washington D.C.
the capital of the United States
Whiskey Rebellion
a 1794 protest over a tax on all liquor made and sold in the United States
Tax on foreign goods
French Revolution
The second great democratic revolution, taking place in the 1790s, after the American Revolution had been proven to be a success. The U.S. did nothing to aid either side. The French people overthrew the king and his government, and then instituted a series of unsuccessful democratic governments until Napoleon took over as dictator in 1799.
John Adams
He was the second president of the United States and a Federalist. He was responsible for passing the Alien and Sedition Acts. Prevented all out war with France after the XYZ Affair. His passing of the Alien and Sedition Acts severely hurt the popularity of the Federalist party and himself
Foreign Policy
a policy governing international relations
Neutrality Proclamation
stated that the United States would not take sides with any European countries that were at war
Jay's Treaty
1794 - It was signed in the hopes of settling the growing conflicts between the U.S. and Britain. It dealt with the Northwest posts and trade on the Mississippi River. It was unpopular with most Americans because it did not punish Britain for the attacks on neutral American ships. It was particularly unpopular with France, because the U.S. also accepted the British restrictions on the rights of neutrals.
opposing groups within parties
Democrat Republican beliefs
people should have political power, Favored strong State governments, Emphasized agriculture, Favored strict interpretation of Constitution, were pro-French, opposed National Bank, and opposed protective tariff
Federalists Beliefs
favored loose interpretation of Constitution were led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams, They firmly believed the national government should be strong, were pro-British, Favored National Bank, and Favored Protective tariff
Election of 1796
Rebulicans backed Thomas Jefferson for Pesident and Aaron Burr for Vice President, Federalists backed John Adams for President and Thomas Pinckney for Vice President, in the End John Adams President and Thomas Jefferson Vice President.
Election of 1800
Republicans again backed Jefferson for Pesident and Burr for Vice president, while Federalist Again backed Adams, in the end Jefferson President and Burr Vice President
XYZ Affair
a 1797 French attempt to bribe the United States by demanding money before discussing French seizure of neutral American ships
Military Genius of France, who later became a dictator and eventually overthrown. He sold the west land (Louisiana) to the United States for a very cheap price doubling the land of America.
12th Amendment
College must have 2 seperate elections for president and vice president
Alien and Sedition Act
put , a 14 year probationary period before people could apply to become citizens, citizens found guilty by a jury for insulting gov. were subject to fines and imprisonment
High Federalists
term used to describe hamilton and some of his more extreme followers during the adams administration
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
Jefferson and Madison's response to Alien and Sedition Acts. Promoted states' right to nullify federal laws considered unconstitutional (1799)
States Rights
the right of states to limit the power of the federal government
ensuring that all people have the same rights
Devotion to one's nation
Laissez faire
The idea that government should not interfere with or regulate industries and business
Free market
where goods and services are exchanged with little regulation
Marbury vs. Madison
Supreme court case in which judicial review was established
John Marshall
created the precedent of judicial review; ruled on many early decisions that gave the federal government more power, especially the supreme court
Judicial review
the power of the Supreme Court to declare laws and actions of local, state, or national governments unconstitutional
U.S. President who purchased Louisiana from France
Pinckney Treaty
1795 - Treaty between the U.S. and Spain which gave the U.S. the right to transport goods on the Mississippi river and to store goods in the Spanish port of New Orleans
Pres. Jefferson sent these 2 men to France to gain land for the U.S. France, under Napoleon, in war with Britian and needed money, offered to sell U.S. all of the Louisiana Territory.
Louisiana Purchase
The U.S., under Jefferson, bought the Louisiana territory from France, under the rule of Napoleon, in 1803. The U.S. paid $15 million for the Louisiana Purchase, and Napoleon gave up his empire in North America. The U.S. gained control of Mississippi trade route and doubled its size.
Toussaint L Ouverture
Haitian patriot and leader of the Haitian Revolution slave rebellion
Lewis and Clark Expedition
1804-1806 - Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were commissioned by Jefferson to map and explore the Louisiana Purchase region. Beginning at St. Louis, Missouri, the expedition travelled up the Missouri River to the Great Divide, and then down the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean. It produced extensive maps of the area and recorded many scientific discoveries, greatly facilitating later settlement of the region and travel to the Pacific coast.
When Lewis & Clark were staying with the Mandans, an Indian woman was there as well. She belonged to the Shoshone people who lived in the Rockies. She and her French Canadian husband agreed to accompany Lewis and Clark as translators.
Zebulon Pike
American soldier and explorer whom Pikes Peak in Colorada is named. His Pike expedition often compared to the lewis and Clark expedition, mapped much of the southern portion of the Louisianna Purchase
Continental Divide
Mountain ridge that separates river systems flowing toward opposite sides of continent
War with Tripoli
-1804- ruler of tripoli asked U.S for more tribute money -Jefferson refused -U.S sent warships to Tripoli and put crew in jail -Capt. Stephen Decatur burned Philly so pirates couldnt see it -War ended in 1805 -U.S paid $60,000 to release prisoners in 1815
USS Philadelphia
Pirates took this U.S. ship, captured it, and then turned the guns on the boast against us; Lt. Stephen Decatur captured it back
U.S. navy captain who burned the ship captured by Barbary pirates to prevent their using it
The practice of forcing people into service. British ships would stop American vessels and impress American sailors. This led to Americans becoming extremely angry and eager for war with Britain.
Embargo Act
signed by thomas jefferson in 1807 - stop export of all american goods and american ships from sailing for foreign ports
nonitercourse act
a law that replaced the embargo act and restored trade with all nations except britain
Tecumseh and prophet
Two Shawnee brothers, Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa, that welded a far-flung confederacy of all the tribes east of the Mississippi. The Prophet was discredited by attacking a much larger American army, and Tecumseh was killed in the Battle of the Thames. Their actions were in response to the flood of western-bound settlers, and resulted in Indian unity and cultural revival. The death of Tecumseh ended the hope of an Indian confederacy.
William Henry Harrison
governor of the Indiana Territory, was an American military leader, politician, the ninth President of the United States, and the first President to die in office. His death created a brief constitutional crisis, but ultimately resolved many questions about presidential succession left unanswered by the Constitution until passage of the 25th Amendment. Led US forces in the Battle of Tippecanoe.
Battle of Tippercanoe
a battle started by William Henry Harrison when he went and attacked Tecumseh's (the prophet) headquarters and since he was not there the people attacked and lost to him and he in turn burned their settlements and caused them to form an alliance with Britain
war hawks
Southerners and Westerners who were eager for war with Britain. They had a strong sense of nationalism, and they wanted to takeover British land in North America and expand.
John C. Calhoun/Henry Clay
two leaders of the war hawks
War of 1812
War between the U.S. and Great Britain which lasted until 1814, ending with the Treaty of Ghent and a renewed sense of American nationalism
Captain Oliver Hazard Perry
led the Battle of Lake Erie - he had no fleet so he built his own ship - the british battered his ship and left it helpless - he rowed to another American ship & finally won this battle. He wrote this message on the back of the envelops " We have met the enemy & they are ours"
USS Constitution
"Old Ironsides"; still intact; fought in War of 1812
Battle of Lake Erie
During this battle the british battered Perry's ship and left it helpless perry rowed to another american ship and continued to fight
Battle of Thames
William Henry Harrison pushed up the river Thames into Upper Canada and on October 4, 1813, won a victory notable for the death of Tecumseh, who was serving as a brigadier general in the British army. This battle resulted in no lasting occupation of Canada, but weakened and disheartened the Indians of the Northwest
Richard Allen
an african american preacher who helped start the free african society and the african methodist episcopal church
Battle of New Orleans
Jackson led a battle that occurred when British troops attacked U.S. soldiers in New Orleans on January 8, 1815; the War of 1812 had officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent in December, 1814, but word had not yet reached the U.S.
Anderw Jackson
president of the U.S who removed Native Americans from their lands to give it to white settlers persuaded congress to pass the Indian removal act.
Francis Scott Key
United States lawyer and poet who wrote a poem after witnessing the British attack on Baltimore during the War of 1812
Treaty of Ghent
December 24, 1814 - Ended the War of 1812 and restored the status quo. For the most part, territory captured in the war was returned to the original owner. It also set up a commission to determine the disputed Canada/U.S. border.

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