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History Exam 1


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ruler holds total power; tied to the idea of divine right.
Spice Islands
Moluccas; good source of spices that explorers searched for.
John Cabot
Venetian seaman explored the New England coastline of the Amerricas for England
Glorious Revolution
with no bloodshed when the Dutch leader (William of Orange) invaded England. William and Mary gained the throne and accepted the English Bill of Rights.
Balance of Trade
the difference in value between what a nation imports and what it exports over time.
Treaty of Tordesillas
Spain and Portugal feared that the other might claim some of its newly discovered territories, so this treaty drew an imaginary line that divided their spheres of influence. Sined in 1494, and gave territories east of the line (the route to Africa) to Portugal, and territories west of the line (Americas) to Spain
known as the spice islands; chief source of the spices that originally attracted the Portuguese to the Indian Ocean
BIll of Rights
set forth Parliament's right to make laws and levy taxes. Said stating armies could only be raised with the Parliament's consent and stated the rights of citzens to keep arms and have a jury trial. FOundation for a limited (consitutional) monarchy.
Vasco de Gama
forged past the Cape of Good Hope and cut across the Indian Ocean to India. Arrived off the port of Calicut, and took a cargo of spices. Returned to Portugal and made a profit of 3000%.
Gold Coast
a place on the southern coast of West Africa where a new source of gold was found
Cardinal RIchelieu
Louis XIII's chief minister; strengthened the power of the monarchy. Saw Huguenots as a threat to the king, so he took away their political and military rights while preserving their religious rights.
Edict of Nantes
in 1598 recognized Catholisim as the official religion of France, but gave Huguenots religious freedoms as well.
set of principles that dominated economic thought in 17th century. Stated that prosperity of a nation depended on a large supply of bullion or gold and silver.
Bourbon Family
Absolute monarch in France. Started with Henry IV. Had all the Loius in it.
Divine Right
a belief that kings receive their power and authority from God and are responsible only to God.

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