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Processes of Birth Ch 12

OB Exam 2


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Maternal factors influencing onset of labor
Relaxin released, pressure on cervix, uterine muscle stretching, progesterone decrease, estrogen increase
Fetal factors influencing onset of labor
Prostaglandin production/secretion, cortisol release, placental aging.
Signs of impending labor
Lightening, increased clear vaginal discharge, increased energy, GI symptoms (loose stools), cervical softening, bloody show, ROM, lower back pain (in waves), 1-3 lb. wt loss, uterine contractions.
5 P's affecting labor
Power (contractions), Passenger, Passageway, Position, Psychology
Primary powers
uterine contractions in 1st stage of labor (onset to full dilation)
Secondary powers
bearing down during the 2nd stage of labor (full dilation to birth, aka the pushing stage)
Duration of contractions
from the beginning of a contraction to the end (in seconds). aka, how long the contraction lasts.
Frequency of contractions
From the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next. "they're beginning so frequently!"
Intensity of contractions
STRENGTH of contractions Mild = nose or < 40 mmHg, moderate = chin or 40-70, strong = forehead or > 70.
Resting tone (r/t contractions)
Tension in the uterine muscle between contractions
Interval (r/t contractions)
Time of uterine relaxation between the end of one contraction and beginning of the next. Time of most O2, nutrient, waste exchange w/placenta.
thinning and shortening of the cervix. Usually thinner in a primip. Cervix merges with the thinning lower uterus.
opening of the cervix to 10 cm during labor. with 10 cm dilation, cervix usually not palpable. cervix is pulled upward as fetus is pushed downward.
Fetal descent through birth canal is determined by
Size of fetal head, fetal presentation, fetal lie, fetal attitude, fetal position
Fetal presentation
Cephalic (most common), breech, and shoulder. Determined by the part of the fetus that first enters the pelvis.
Types of cephalic (head first) presentations
Occiput/Vertex = complete flexion (most common), Military = moderate flexion, Brow = poor flexion, part way extended, Face = full extension (head back)
Vertex/occiput (cephalic) presentation = complete flexion
Military (cephalic) presentation = moderate flexion
Brow (cephalic) presentation = poor flexion, partial extension.
Face (cephalic) presentation = full extension
Frank breech presentation
Full breech presentation
Footling breech presentation
Quadrants of maternal pelvis
Shoulder presentation
Fetus in transverse or possibly oblique lie with the scapula as the presenting part (rare)
Fetal lie
Relationship of the long axis (spine) of the fetus to the long axis of the mother. Longitudinal (99% of pregnancies) or Transverse. Oblique less common.
Fetal attitude
flexion or extension of the fetal head
Normal fetal attitude
moderate flexion with chin flexed on chest & extremities flexed on abdomen. Back curved in a convex C shape.
Fetal position
Relationship between fixed reference point on fetal presenting part and four quadrants of mother's pelvis.
Which fetal positions are good?
ROA, LOA ("OA is OK"). occiput of head is in lower (anterior) part of pelvis (closest to pubic symphysis vs sacrum) facing left or right.
Which fetal position is not good?
posterior (occiput posterior). "OP = Oh me, oh my, my aching back." Get mother off her back.
Fetal station
relationship of presenting part of fetus to ischial spines of mother's pelvis.
Fetal station numbers
Zero (0) station is at level of ischial spines. negative = not close, makes us sad. positive (+1 to +4) is good, baby's crowning.
Mechanisms (cardinal movements) of labor
Engagement, Descent, Flexion, Internal Rotation, Extension, External rotation, Expulsion. "Every Darn Fool In Egypt EatsRaw Eggs"
Engagement (mechanism of labor)
When largest diameter of presenting part (usually the head) reaches mom's ischial spines (0 or lower). Often happens before labor in nulliparas woman.
Descent (mechanism of labor)
Fetal presenting part moving downward through the true pelvis. Accompanies all other mechanisms of labor.
Flexion (mechanism of labor)
Fetal head moving down/forward. Presents the smallest head diameters to align with the smallest diameters of the midpelvis.
Internal rotation (mechanism of labor)
fetal head turns allowing the largest fetal head diameter to align with the largest diameter of the maternal pelvis.
Extension (mechanism of labor)
fetal head moves back (facing toward mom's rectum) as neck pivots on inner margin of symphysis pubis, allowing the head to align with the curves of the pelvic outlet.
External Rotation
fetal head turns aligning the head with the shoulders after expulsion.
delivery of the fetal shoulders and body

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