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unit 5 review

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johannes kepler
a German mahematician, confirmed the heliocentric theory with observations. he also showed that the planets moved in ellipses rather than perfect circles.
frederick the great
frederick was the ruler of prussia. he centralized the government and put it under his control. he was kown as the Royal Drill Sergeant because he devoted his life to the Prussian army and made it the most efficient fighting force in Europe.
absolute monarch
when the monarch has absolute control of a country and they do not need to follow their own laws.
scientific revolution
a time from ca. 1550-1700 when there was a new emphasis on observation and reason in science, rather than a reliance on traditional knowledge. during the scientific revolution, experimentation became the manin method of science.
charles I
tried to anvocate the divine rights of kingsand bring more absolute policies to england. he was also seen as bringing too much catholic influence to the church of england.
the enlightenment is also called the age of reason and took place in the 18th century. it develped as a result of the scientific revolution. they were greatly impressed with the accomplishements of the scientific revolution and became open to new ideas. they used the word reason while advocating the application of the scienticic method to the understanding of all life.
english civil war
ljakl jh
nicolaus copernicus
published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres in 1534. He stated his heliocentric theory of the universe, which was closer to accurate, but still flawed.
divine right ok kings
johann sebastian bach
eugene delacroix
nalj l
william harvey
published On the Motion of the Heart and Blood (1628). he refined Vesalius ideas and showed that the heart was the beginning of the blood's circulation.
the theory that the sun is the center of the universe and all the planets revolve around it in ellipses
the theory that the earth is the center of the universe
galileo galilei
built a telescope and was the first to make regular observations with it.
glorious revolution
constitutional monarch
charles II
was disliked for his support of catholicism in england. ehen his osn was born, people became afraid of catholic monarchy becoming reastablished in england.
jean jacques rousseau
William and Mary
the first constitutional monarchs
peter the great
peter became the ruler of russia when he was 22. he believed that his country mush westernize in order to be successful. he wanted to pull his people out of their isolation. Peter created a navy and started the construction of a new capital city called st. petersburg in the north. peter tripled the size of russia
age of absolution
jklaj kl
english bill or rights
louis XIV
louis was recognized as one of the most powerful monarchs of Europe. he ruled for 72 yrs. and was known as the sun king. he is famous for saying "L'etat, c'est moi." this means i am the state. he moved the capital from Paris to Versailles which became a symbol of power. he expanded France's power into other areas of Europe.
wolfgang amadeus mozart
rebelled against the church, musical prodigy, classical style.
oliver cromwell
leader of the military, ruled England as "lord protector" until 1658
john locke
a dude
a dude
thomas hobbes
a dude
scientific method
it is a way to ask and answer scientific questions by making observation and doing experiments.
isaac newton
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, defined the laws of motion and gravity. Newton was trying to explain the motion of the universe.
miguel de cervantes

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