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Ch 9: Lifespan Development


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The emotional bond that forms between an infant & caregiver(s), especially his/her parents
Kübler-Ross 5 Stages of Death
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance
Gender indentity
a person'e psychological sense of being male or female
Social learning theory
The theory that gender roles are aqquired through the basic processes of learning, including reinforcement, punishment, & modeling
Embryonic Period
weeks 3 through 8
Infant-directed sppech
"Baby talk"
Formal Operational
From adolescence through adulthood; chracterized by the ability to think logically about abstract principles & hypothetical situations
Umbilical cord
embryo's lifeline; connected from mother's unterine wall to embryo's abdominal area, delivers nourishment, oxygen & water & carries away cardon dioxide & other wastes
Gender schema theory
The theory that gender-role development is influenced by the formation of schemas, or mental representations, of masculinity & femininity
Genetic Contributions to Your Life Story
chromosomes, DNA, genes
Development psychology
studies the physical, mental, & socail changes across the lfe span
Germinal (Zygotic) Period
1st two weeks
Vygotsky's viewpoint
(zone of proximal development) The difference between what children can accomplish on their own & what they can accomplish with the help of others who are competent
From birth to about age 2; the period during which the infant explores the environment & acquires knowledge through sensing & manipulating objects
Concrete Operational
From about age 7 to about adolescence; characterized by the ability to think logically about concrete objects & situations
Attitudes towards Dying & Death
In general, anxiety about death tends to peak in middle adulthood, then tends to decrease in late adulthood
Information-processing model
The model that cognitive development as a process that is continuous over the lifespan & that studies the development of basic mental processes such as attention, memory, & problem-solving
Inborn predisposition to consistency behave & react in a certain way
Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development
Proposed that each of 8 stages of life is associated with a particular psychosocial conflict that can be resolved in either a positive or a negative direction
Ego integrity/life review
The feeling that one's life has been meaningful; thinking about or retelling their life story to others
prevents the mother's blood from directly mingling with the embryo's
Amniotic sac
a fluid filled sac that houses the embryo
transition between late childhood to begining adulthood, which sexual maturity is reached
the cultural, social, & psychological meanings that are associated with masculinity or femininity
Gender roles
the behaviors, attitudes, & personality traits that are designated as either masculine or feminine in a given culture
Activity theory of aging
The psychosocial theory that life satisfaction in late adulthood is highest when people maintain the level of activity they displayed earlier in life
From age 2 to about age 7; characterized by increasing use of symbols & prelogical thought processes
Harmful agents or substances that can cause malformations or defects in a embryo of fetus
The stage of adolescence in which an individual reaches sexual maturity & become physiologically capable of sexual reproduction

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