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OB Questions


undefined, object
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Opinion seeker/giver
clarifies pertinent values
Free riders
People who benefits from the efforts of others while contributing little or nothing themselves
Extraversion (Big Five Model)
A personality factor that describes the degree to which a person is sociable, talkative, and assertive. (from Big Five Model)
Maintenance Roles - Commentator
Commentator records and comments on group processes/dynamics
promotes greater understanding through examples or exploration of implications
Maintenance Roles - Encourager
Encourager fosters group solidarity by accepting and praising various points of view
Information seeker/giver
clarifies key issues
Social inhibition
s what keeps humans from becoming involved in potentially objectionable actions and/or expressions in a social setting. The significance of this inhibiting behaviour varies greatly from person to person, and may be closely linked to a person's confidence.
performs a "group memory" function by documenting discussion and outcomes
Low self monitors
do opposite, acting out can lead to one way communication and they ignore vernal/nonverbal cues
keeps group headed toward its stated goal(s)
5 stages of creative and innovation
Preparation - starts from base of knowledge. | concentration - focus on problem at hand | Incubation - do it unconciuosly where we mull over things an make assocations | Illumination- here is where the associations are ultimately made | Verification - going thru entire process to verify, modify. or try out new process/idea |
pulls together ideas and suggestions
What are the 5 dimensions of Luthans CHOSE model?
Confidinece/self-efficacy, Hope, Optimism, subjective well being, and emotional intellegence
Halo Effect
Drawing a general impression of an individual on the basis of a single characteristic.
prods group
Self Efficacy
belief in one self to accomplish a task
Maintenance Roles - Gatekeeper
Gatekeeper encourages all group members to participate
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
A concept that proposes a person will behave in ways consistent with how he or she is perceived by others.
Brainstorming - nominal tech
generates ideas and then evaluates and selects a solution
Agreeableness (Big Five Model)
A personality factor that describes the degree to which a person is good-natured, cooperative, and trusting. (from Big Five Model)
Distinctiveness (Attribution Theory)
A behaviour rule that considers whether an individual acts similarly across a variety of situations. (Attribution Theory)
Consensus (Attribution Theory)
A behavioural rule that considers if everyone faced with a similar situation responds in the same way. (Attribution Theory)
List some of Wilson's profile for an effective manager.
Clarifies goals and objectives, encourages participation, plans and organizes, has techniqal and administrative expertise,facillitates work through team building and coaching, provides feedback, keeps things moving, controls details, applies reasonable pressure for goal accomplishment
High Self monitors
strives to make a good public impression, watches their behavior, and adapts and Higher can be seen as a chameleaon/dishonest
Cognitive Dissonace
Psychological discomfort experiences when attitudes and behavior are inconsistent
Openness to Experience (Big Five Model)
A personality factor that describes the degree to which a person is imaginative, artistically sensitive, and intellectual. (from Big Five Model)
Instrumental Cohesiveness
Based on mutual dependency neeed to get the job done
Maintenance Roles - Compromiser
Compromiser helps resolve conflict by meeting others "half way"
Maintenance Roles - standard setter
Standard setter evaluates the quality of group processes
suggests new goals or ideas
Maintenance Roles - Harmonizer
Harmonizer mediates conflict through reconciliation or humor
tests group's accomplishments with various criteria such as logic and practicality
Asch Effect
Giving into a unanimous but wrong decision
Escalation of commitmant
Sticking with stupid decision
McGregors theory?
Of X and Y
Emotional Stability (Big Five Model)
A personality factor that describes the degree to which a person is calm, self-confident, and secure. (from Big Five Model)
List 4 type teams
Advice teams - info to managers, Production teams - org day to day operations, Project teams - app. specialized knowledge to specific problems, Action Teams- Highly skilled to provide skills on demand
4 of TQM principles
A. do it right 1st time to eliminate costly rework B. Listen to and learn from customers/employees C. make continous improvement an every day matter D. Build teamwork, trust and mutual respect
Internal locus of control
attributing outcomes to ones own actions
Abilene paradox
is a paradox in which a group of people collectively decide on a course of action that is counter to the preferences of any of the individuals in the group. It involves a common breakdown of group communication in which each member mistakenly believes that their own preferences are counter to the group's and do not raise objections.
Maintenance Roles - follower
Follower serves as a passive audience
Brainstoming delphi tech
it anomalously produces both ideas or judgments.
Self-Serving Bias
The tendency for individuals to attribute their own successes to internal factors while putting blame for failures on external factors.
Conscientiousness (Big Five Model)
A personality factor that describes the degree to which a person is responsible, dependable, persistent, and achievement-oriented. (from Big Five Model)
Consistency (Attribution Theory)
A behavioural rule that considers whether the individual has been acting in the same way over time. (Attribution Theory)
Simons normative model
guided by bounded rationality. A. limited information processing B. the use pf judgmental heuristics and C. Satisficing
Socio-emotional cohesiveness
Sense of togethernesses based on emotional satisfaction
Kelly's Attribution Theory
The theory that when we observe what seems like atypical behaviour by an individual, we attempt to determine whether it is internally or externally caused.
Rational Model of decision making
consists of identifying the problem, generating alternative solutions, evaluating and selecting a solution, and implementing and evaluating the solution
Social Loafing
decrease in individual effort as group size increases
Procedural technician
performs routine duties
Social facilitation
is the tendency for people to be aroused into better performance on simple tasks (or tasks at which they are expert or that have become autonomous) when under the eye of others, rather than while they are alone.
Group think
giving in (cohesive) and not thinking of alternatives

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