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Pivot table
A tool within Microsoft Excel used to extract and organize data. It enables users to examine aggregated data and quickly see the accompanying detail.
Parallel processing
Using several processors in the same computer. Each processor can be assigned different tasks, or jobs can be split into separate pieces and given to each processor. There are a few massively parallel machines that utilize several thousand processors.
Portable document format (PDF)
A file format often used on the Internet. It can display documents with detailed precision, including special fonts and shading. Defined by Adobe, readers are freely available for many machines. Special software must be purchased to create the files.
Model parameters can be estimated from prior data. Sample data is used to forecast future changes based on the model.
A standardized system created by Kodak to convert photographs to digital (bitmap) form and store them on optical disks.
Peer-to-peer network
A network configuration in which each machine is considered to be an equal. Messages and data are shared directly between individual computers. Each machine continuously operates as both a client and a server.
Picture element, or a single dot on an image or video screen.
Variables in a model that can be controlled or set by managers. They are used to examine different situations or to tailor the model to fit a specific problem.
Precision (numeric)
In computers, numeric precision represents the number of digits stored to the right of the decimal point. So, 10.1234 is more precise than 10.12, however, it is not necessarily more accurate. The original value might not have been measured beyond two digits.
In an object design, different objects can have methods that have the same name but operate slightly differently. For example, a checking account object and a savings account object could each have a method called pay interest. The checking account might pay interest monthly, whereas the savings account pays it quarterly.
Point of sale (POS) system
A means of collecting data immediately when items are sold. Cash registers are actually data terminals that look up prices and instantly transmit sales data to a central computer.

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