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Church History Chap 10 & 12


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Martin Luther
*He believed that the bible is the sole authority in the life of a Christian *German monk who started the Protestant Reformation
Teresa Avila
Spanish nun (religious leader) a principal saints of the Roman Catholic Church; reformed the Carmelite nun order.
Ignatius of Loyola
Developed the spiritual exercises and founded the Jesuits.
Society of Jesus
Result of Council of Trent) Those lived outside of their diocese were ordered to return home.
John Baptiste de la Salle
Founded the brothers of the Christian Schools aka the de la Salle brothers.
*Saw the discoveries of science as compatible with religious truth *Proved heliocentric
John Henry Newman
*Thought intellectual inquiry has been a part of the church tradition, *Cardinal who encouraged intellectual inquiry
Wrote Rerum Novarum about workers rights
Vincent De Paul
Founded the Ladies of Charity
Henry VIII
He broke with Rome when he couldn't get his marriage annulled
Thomas More
*He lost his head even though 'silence gives consent', *English statesman who opposed Henry VIII's divorce from Catherine of Aragon and was imprisoned and beheaded, wrote Utopia
John Calvin
*His theocracy in Geneva was no fun *Founder of Calvinism, attracted Protestants
Believed that the government must uphold individual rights.
Elimination of private property and establishment of classless society
Immaculate Conception
one of the two infallible teachings. It means that Mary was conceived without original sin
Social contract
that we need to give up some freedoms in order to get liberty
A book that outlines Catholic teachings
The view that the universe is ordered and completely reasonable and can be explained by science
*The belief that all knowledge comes soley through the senses., *the view that (a) knowledge comes from experience via the senses, and (b) science flourishes through observation and experiment.
Peace at Augsburg
When local rulers could chose the religion of their subjects.
Daughters of Charity
Found a way around rules that kept nuns in cloistered convents
These were the innovation of de la Salle.
Official daily prayer book of priests
French Revolution
took ownership of the Papal States from the church's authority
Ex cathedra
Means 'from the chair' of Peter
*Were bought and sold in Luther's day *People could buy them or do good works to get them; with them you get out of hell or purgatory.
Confession Augsburg
Paper was a summary of Luther's teachings
*Was the lifestyle of priests that was upheld at Trent, *abstaining from sexual relations (as because of religious vows)
Scripture and Tradition
Catholic faith is based on...
The number of valid sacraments after Trent
The exclusion of religious meaning from the affairs of life
Was one of the places Lutheranism was a strong presence
Social Justice
*Emphasizes the dignity of the human person, *all people are entitled to basic necessities such as adequate income and health protection and accepts collective burdens to make such possible
Means of production is privately owned and operated by a few for profit.

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