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PSP National Staff


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Josh Coonrod
National secretary: ensures that accurate records are kept at all national meetings
Kadira Coley
VP of alumni development: oversees development of alumni; benefits and assists chapters in enhancing and improving alumni relations
Bryan Dolin
Region consultant: advises chapters on variety of programming and chapter management issues
Patrick Herron
VP of Membership development: improves and develops resources to ensure initiation programs produce strong and dedicated brothers
Susan Schaffer
Executive Director; oversees day to day PSP operations, liaison btwn national council and staff, plans and organizes national events
Megan Lawrence
Director of member services: coordinates annual giving and cultivates lifetime member relationships, editor of Lampadion, liasion to PSP foundation
Lisa Ambrosia Howard
Senior vice president: parliamentarian at all national meetings
Jonah Goodman
National President: ambassador of PSP
Matt Parido
Director of alumni relations: acts as liasion, provides assitance to PSP, cultivates relationships with prospective colleges and universities
Joann Harriger
Office manager: records and tracks chapter, mail, forms, etc.
Erik Duff Walschburger
VP of chapter development: develop programs to foster communication between chapters and improve regional collaboration amongst chapters
Anika Jackson
Director of member services: trains and supervises regional consultant, oversees management of website
National Council
Oversees the work of the executive director
Josh Marder
VP of Finance: formulates budget with executive director

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