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Bilology I TEST CH. 3


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observed a thin slice of cork in 1665 and coined the term "cells"
Robert Hooke
discovered "animalcules" or tiny animals today known as single-cell organisms
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
scientists express measurements using...
metric system
SI units are based on what power?
powers of 10
light passes through one or more lenses to produce an enlarged image
light microscope
forms an image of a specimen using a beam of electrons
electron microscope
ability to make an image appear larger
measure of clarity of an image
electron microscopes cannot view what?
living cells
electron beams much shorter ___________ than that of visible light
2 kinds of electron microscopes: ____________ ____________
transmission: electron beam directed on a thin slice of specimen that's been stained scanning: focused on a specimen coated with a very thin layer of metal
the observations of the scientists Schleiden, Schawnn, and Virchow formed what?
cell theory
the cell theory consists of three things:
1. All living things are made of one or more cells. 2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in organisms. 3. All cells arise from existing cells.
______ trillion cells in the human body
______ cells can exchange substance more rapidly than large cells because small objects have a higher surface-to-area-_______ ratio than larger objects
small volume
outer boundary
call membrane
interior of a cell
microscopic fibers that support the cell(like bones)
cellular structures on which proteins are made
single cells organism that lacks a nucleus and other internal componets
cannot carry out many _______ functions
prokaryotes are informally called...
enzymes and ribosomes are free to move around the cytoplasm because lack of...
internal structures
bacteria cells have a...
cell wall
these cells lack a ________, so they must rely on a strong cell wall for support
long, threadlike structures that protrude from the cell's surface and enables movement
an organism whose cells have a nucleus
an internal compartment that houses the cell's DNA
structure that carries out specific activities in the cell
short hair-like structures protrude from the surface of some euk cells
instructions for making proteins
cytoskeleton is made up of ________ and _________
microtubules microfilaments
cell membranes form..
a barrier
cell membranes are caused mainly by the way _________ interact with water
lipid made of a phosphate group and 2 fatty acids
in a cell membrane, the phospholipids are arranged in a double layer called a...
lipid bilayer
attached to a carb on the cell's surface, help other cell's recognize their cell type
marker proteins
recognize and bind to specific substances such as signal molecules outside of the cell
receptor proteins
move stuff in and out of the cell
transport proteins
substances that are made in the nucleus, including ribosomal proteins and RNA, move into the _________ by passing through the ______________.
cytoplasm nuclear pores
(ER) extensive system of internal membranes that move proteins and other substances through the cell (made of lipid bilayer)
endoplasmic reticulum
a small, membrane-bound sac that transports substances in cells
the rest of the ER is called ________ b/c it lacks ____________ and looks smooth
smooth ER ribosomes
set of flattened, membrane-bound sacs that serve as the packaging and distribution center of the cell
Golgi apparattus
small, sherical organelles that contain the cell's digestive enzymes
proteins are packaged into ________
proteins are processed and then packaged into new vesicles
Golgi apparatus
Many of these vesicles move to the cell membrane and release their contents__________
outside the cell
digest and recycle the cell's used componets by breaking down proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbs
organelle that harvests energy from organic compounds to make ATP
mitochondria also have DNA and _________, and mitochondria make some of their own proteins
the cell membrane of a plant cell is surrounded by a thick cell wall, which supports and protects the cell
cell wall
organelles that use light energy to make carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water
chloroplasts are surrounded by two __________, contain their own DNA, and are thought to be the descendents of ____________ cells
membranes prokaryotic
found in both plants and animals, but only plants have a central vacuole
central vacuole
makes the cell _________ and able to stand up

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