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cell structure


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plasma membrane
1. Barrier
2. communicates with outside by environmental cues and other cells
3. selectivity
4. membrane potential to do work

everything between nucleus and plasma membrane. "cellular chowder"
internal fluid of a cell. mostly water with salts and proteins
1. tiny organs
2. specialized functions
3. membrane bound

"brains" of the cell. contains most of the cells DNA
nuclear envelope
1. encloses nucleus
2. double lipid bilayer (inner & outer)
3. pores

1. discrete units
2. variable # from species to species
composed of DNA and protein
1. translate mRNA into polypeptides
2. outside of nucleus
3. 2 flavors for 2 "kinds" of proteins

free ribosomes
cytosolic proteins
bound ribosomes
membrane associated, secreted, or organeller proteins
endoplasmic reticulum
extensive network of membrane-bound tubules and sacs. separates lumen from cytosol.
smooth ER
1. metabolic processes
2. lots of surface area for enzymes
rough ER
1. modify proteins for those destined to be transported
2. polypeptides threaded in
endomembrane system
1. system of membranes
2. physically connected or related through transfer of membrane pieces
transport vesicle
comes from ER to golgi apparatus
peptides with carbohydrate mods
golgi apparatus
receiving, modifying, shipping apparatus
cis to trans
front to back
cisternal maturation model
1. dynamic structure
2. cisternae move cis-trans
3. carry and modify cargo

1. cell's stomach
2. recycling bin (recycling dead organelles)
ameoba eating
1. cellular respiration: sugar to ATP
2. own DNA
3. Own ribosomes
4. two membranes

1. maintain cell shape
2. gives entire cells motility
3. anchor point for organelles
4. tracks=movement of cell parts

motor protein
1. hold cargo
2. uses energy to move along cytoskeleton
1. hollow tube
2. tubulin dimers
3. not permanent structure
4. (+) end more dynamic

1. helical double chain
2. bear tension to maintain shape
3. shape shifting for moving cells
4. muscle contraction

intermediate filament
1. maintain cell structure
2. permanent
1. microtubule-organizing center
2. in animals there are two centrioles with 9 triplet microtubules (9-2)
1. many
2. move cells
3. move things past cells

1. fewer and longer
2. snake-like motion
3. (NOT the same as in prokaryotes)

basal body
anchor to cell
motor protein
1. attaches to neighboring doublet
2. energy-driven
3. pulls
4. doublet slides

network of microfilaments
actin subunits
having both hydrophilic and phobic
integral membrane proteins
sticks into one layer
transmembrane proteins
type of integral; spans both layers
peripheral membrane proteins
weakly associated to membrane or protein
selective permeability
1. Allowed: small & nonpolar
2. Deterred: large & polar
3. membrane proteins are selective (channels & carriers)

affects direction of movement across membranes
passive transport
1. high to low concentration
2. diffusion across a membrane
3. no energy cost
4. small nonpolar molecules

facilitated diffusion
1. high to low
2. (diffusion) is facilitated by proteins
3. normally impeded by membranes
4. Channels: hydrophilic corridor, "gated"-open to stimuli

active transport
1. low to high
2. done through action of proteins
3. costs energy

membrane potential
charge difference across the membrane
electrochemical gradient
two forces that drive ion movement, concentration gradient & electrical force
proton pump
1. pump H+

1. energy to move H+ against gradient
2. movement of H+ down electrochemical gradient
1. diffusion of water
2. down concentration gradient (high to low)
1. effect of osmosis on cell
2. hypo- animal cell lyse, plant cell turgid
3. iso- no effect
4. hyper- animal cell shrivel, plant cell plasmolysis

fluid mosaic model
not a rigid structure and has a mosaic of proteins for different functions

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