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bio chapter 7 study guide


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nucleus structure
includes chromatin, nucleolus, nuclear envelope and nuclear pores
nucleus function
contains the cells DNA and the coded instructions for making proteins and other molecules
nuclear envelope structure
2 membranes dotted with nuclear pores
nuclear envelope function
allows material to move in and out of nucleus RNA and molecules move through the nuclear pores
nucleolus structure
small dense region
nucleolus function
where assembly of ribosomes begins
ribosome structure
small particles of RNA and protein found in the cytoplasm
ribosome function
produces proteins by following coded instructions that come from the nucleus
rough ER structure
ribosomes on surface abundant in cells that produce large amounts of proteins
rough ER function
involved in synthesis of proteins
smooth ER structure
ribosomes not on surface contains collections of enzymes
smooth ER function
synthesis of membrane lipids and detoxification of drugs
ER basics
site where lipid compounds of cell membrane are assembled along with proteins and other materials that are exported from the cell
golgi apparatus structure
stack of closely apposed membranes
golgi apparatus function
modify sort and package proteins and other materials from the ER for storage or secretion in the cell
lysosome structure
small filled with enzymes
lysosome function
breakdown of lipids carbs and proteins into small molecules that can be used by the rest of the cell removes "junk"
vacuole structure
vacuole function
stores materials such as water salt proteins and carbs
mitochondrion structure
enclosed by 2 membranes
mitochondrion function
converts chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are more convenient for the cell to use
chloroplast structure
surrounded by 2 membranes inside it are stacks of other membranes with chlorophyll
chloroplast function
capture energy from sunlight and convert it into chemical energy in photosynthesis
cytoskeleton structure
network of protein filaments (microtubules and microfilaments)
cytoskeleton function
helps maintain shape involved in movement
microfilament structure
threadlike made of actin
microfilament function
framework for cell allows cells to crawl along surfaces
microtubule structure
hollow made of tubulins
microtubule function
maintain cell shape cell division form mitotic spindle
centriole structure
made of tubulin pair located near nucleus
centriole function
organize cell division
cell membrane structure
double layered sheet called lipid bilayer contains proteins
cell membrane function
regulates what enters and leaves cell provides protection and support
cell wall structure
porous made from carb and protein fibers
cell wall function
provides cell with support and protection
cell theory
1. -All living things are composed of cells -Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things -New cells are produced from existing cells
eukaryotes vs. prokaryotes
2. Similar: Surrounded by cell membrane, Contain DNA Different: Eukaryotes have a nucleus while Prokaryotes do not. Prokaryotes are bacteria while Eukaryotes are plants, animals, fungi and protists.

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