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Muscles I


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Frontalis (Frontal belly)
Facial Expression Group ORIGIN: Galea aponeurotica INSERTION: skin of eyebrows, root of nose ACTION raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead
Occipitalis (occipital Belly)
used to form the vertical frown crease on the forehead
Obicularis Oculi
closes eyes, squinting, blinking
Obicularis Oris
your "kisser"
Levator Labii
opens lips, furrows lips
raises lateral corners of mouth upward. Used to SMILE
neck stabalizer. Tenses skin of the neck during shaving.
used to suck in your cheeks
tenses lip
Depressor Anguli Oris
used to pout; pulls the corners of the mouth downward
Depressor Labii Inferiorus
pulls lower lip downward
closes jaw; elevates and raises mandible
causes flexion of neck
prime mover to raise the mandible
shrugging shoulders
arching back
Latissimus Dorsi
adducts & medially rotates arm; "lat pull down exercise"
Levator Scapulae
Flexes neck
Gluteus maximus
lateral leg lift
Gluteus Medius
steadies pelvis during walking
ORIGIN: Inferior Ribcage, Costal Cartilages for 1-6 and lumbar vertebra and sternum ORIGINAL: Central Tendan ACTION Breathing
External Intercostals
Breathing , Elevate, Inspire (Inhale)
Internal Intercostals
Internal Intercostals Breathing, Depress, Expire (Exhale)
External Oblique
Oblique Curles, Flexionof Vertebral column
Internal Oblique
Oblique Curl, Flexion of Vertebral Column
Transverse Abdominous
Compress Abdominal Contents
Rectus Abdominous
Stablize Walking, Intra-abdominal pressure, situps O: Pubic Crest, Pubic Symphasis I: Xiphiod Process
Pectoralis Major
Raise ribs upwards, Draw Shoulders forward O: Anterior Ribs 3-5 I: long line along acromion, scalupular spine and the lateral 1/3 of clavical
Shoulder ORIGIN: Embraces Insertion of Trapezius, Lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion & Spine of Scapula INSERTION: Deltoid Tuberosity ACTION: FLEX: PM Anterior Fibers EXTENSION: PM Posterior Fibers ABDUCTION: PM MEDIAL ROTATION: Anterior Fibers LATERAL ROTATION: Posterior Fibers
Biceps Brachii
ORIGIN: Long Head of Corcoid Process, Long Head Glenoid Tubercles of Humorous INSERTION: Radial Tuberosity ACTION: FLEXION
Triceps Brachii
Long HEad of teh Glenoid Tubercle, Scapula ,Posterior shaft of Humurus, Medial Head - posterior humeral shaft distal (farther away) to the radial groove INSERTION: Common tendon into olecrannon process of ulna
Flexor Carpi Radialis
ORIGIN: Medial epicondyle of humerus INSERTION: Base of metacarpals 2 & 3 (insertin tendon is easily seen and provides guide to the position of the radial artery (pulse taking) at wrist ACTION: ADDUCTS, Wrist Fexion
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
ORIGIN: Meidal Epicondyle of the humerus, Olecranon process and posterior surface of ulna INSERTION: carpals (pisiform and hemate) and bones of metacarpal #5 ACTION: FLEXION: Prime Mover, Wrist Flexion and abduction, stabilizer
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
ORIGIN: MEdial Eqpicondyle of Humerus, Coronoid Process of Ulna, shaft of radius INSERTION: by four tendons into middle fingers (phalanges) of fingers 2-5 ACTION: FLEXION Wrist & middle phlanges offigners 2 3 4 5, Important when speed and flexion are required of fingers
Palmaris Longus
ORIGIN: Medial Epicondyle of Humerus INSERTION: Palmar Aponeurosis ACTION: FLEXION of wrist Tenses skin of hand/ palm
hamstrings Biceps Femoris Semitendinosis Semimebranosis They cross both knees & hip jionts PRIME MOVER: THigh Extension and Knee Flexion Origin Site with Sciatic Nerve Common injury = pulled hamstrings
BTM Biceps Femoris Semitendonosis Semimebranousus
Biceps Femoris
ORIGIN: Ischeial Tuberosity, Linea Aspera, Distal Femur (short head) INSERTION: Common Tendojn passes downward and lterally, (Forming the lateral {side} border of the popliteal fossa) to insert into head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibula ACTION: Extends and Flexes Knee Lateral rotation of of leg (fixed knee)
ORIGIN: ISchel Tubrosity in comon with long head of biceps femoris INSERTION: Medial Aspect of Tibial Shaft ACTIONS: Extends thigh at hip Flexs knee with the semimembranosus it medially rotates leg
ORIGIN: Ischial Tuberosity INSERTION: Medial condyle of tibia, and via the oblique popliteal ligament to the lateral condyle of femur ACTON: EXTENSION of thigh FLEXION of knee ROTATION medially of leg
LEG & FOOT Movement Group ORIGIN: by 2 heads from medial and lateral condyles of femur INSERTION: Posterior of calcaneous via the calcaneal tendon ACTION: Plantar FLEXION of Foot (when knee is extended) It crosses knee joint it can flex foot when dorsi-flexed
Leg & Foot Movement Group ORIGIN: Extensive origin from superior tibia, fibula and the interosseous membrane INSERTION: osterior of calcaneous via the calcaneal tendon ( Same as for gastrocnemius) ACTION: Plantar Flexion of foot, important in locomotor and postural muscle while walking, running and dancing
Tibialis Anterior
Leg & Foot Movement Group ORIGIN: Lateral Epicondyle and the upper 2/3 of tibial shaft, along with interosseous membrane INSERTION: by tendan into inferior surface of medial cuneiform and the first metatarsal bone. (2nd toe)

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