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musculo test one


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Neer's test
-impingement test -end range GH flex
-impingement test -90 sh flex -flex elbow -force into IR
Empty/full Can
-supraspinatus test -90 scaption -resist downward motion
ER Lag Sign
-supraspinatus test -hold arm -90 elbow flex -20 scaption -full ER
Hornblower's sign
-teres minor
IR lag test
-subscapularis test -hold arm behind back -sh ext -90 elbow flex
Biceps load test
-labrum test -supine -90-120 abd -max ER -90 elbow flex -supinated -resist elbow flex
O'Brien active compression test
-labrum test -sh flex 90 -15 add -thumb down or up -resist downward motion
Apprehension test
-shoulder instability -abd and ER fully
Sulcus sign
-shoulder instability -inf force at elbow -measure in cm
Load and shift
-shoulder instability -0-25 = normal -25-50 = grade 1 -50-75 = grade 2 -75+ = grade 3
Speed's test
-biceps tendonitis -sh flex 90 -supinated -resist downward motion
Yergason's test
-biceps tendonitis -elbow flex 90 -pronated -resist supination
Horizontal Add. test
-AC jt sprain -from 90 flex
Adson's test
-thoracic outlet synd. -find pulse
Roos (EAST) test
-thoracic outlet synd. -open and close fingers

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