music appreciation final
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- The most famous riot in music history occurred in Paris in 1913 at the first performance of
- Igor Stravinsky\'s The Rite of Spring
- Schoenberg developed an unusual style of vocal performance, halfway between speaking and singing, called
- Sprechstimme
- Smetana\'s symphonic poem is entitled
- The Moldau
- An artistic trend of the 1890s, in which operas dealt with ordinary people and true-to-life situations, was known as
- verismo
- The symphonic poem, or tone poem, a one-movement orchestral composition based to some extent on literary or pictorial ideas, was developed by
- Franz Liszt
- The deliberate intent to draw creative inspiration from the composer\'s own homeland is known as
- nationalism
- An art song is a musical composition for
- solo voice and piano
- Instrumental music associated with a story, poem, idea, or scene, popular during the romantic period, is called
- program music
- Fascination with national identity also led composers to draw on colorful materials from foreign lands, a trend known as musical
- exoticism
- Nonprogram music is also known as _____________ music.
- absolute
- A ____________ is an instrumental composition in several movements based to some extent on a literary or pictorial idea.
- program symphony
- The most important impressionist composer was
- Claude Debussy
- A short musical idea associated with a person, object, or thought, used by Richard Wagner in his operas, is called
- Leitmotif
- The contrasting episodes of Berlioz\'s Fantastic Symphony are unified by the recurrence of a theme known as the
- idée fixe
- The Erlking is an example of an art song, and was composed by
- Franz Schubert
- Tchaikovsky\'s Romeo and Juliet is a(n)
- concert overture
- Mendelssohn is known as the man who rekindled an interest in the music of
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- . Mendelssohn wrote in all musical forms except
- Operas
- More than any earlier composer, Berlioz made _____ a basic part of his musical language
- tone color
- A slow, lyrical, intimate composition for piano, associated with evening and night time, is the
- Nocturne
- Music intended to be performed before and during a play to set the mood for scenes or highlight dramatic action is known as
- incidental music
- The twentieth-century artistic movement that stressed intense, subjective emotion was called
- Expressionism
- Edgard Varèse\'s Poème électronique
- All of the Above
- A great twentieth-century composer who was also a leading scholar of the folk music of his native land was
- Béla Bartók
- Minimalist music is characterized by
- a steady pulse, clear tonality, and insistent repetition of short melodic patterns
- Using all twelve tones without regard to their traditional relationship to major or minor scales, avoiding traditional chord progressions, is known as
- Atonality
- Appalachian Spring originated as a
- ballet score
- Impressionism as a movement originated in
- France
- A motive or phrase that is repeated persistently at the same pitch throughout a section is called
- Ostinato
- Expressionist painters, writers, and composers used ______________ to assault and shock their audience.
- deliberate distortions
- Béla Bartók was a leading authority on
- peasant music
- A fourth chord is
- a chord in which the tones are a fourth apart, instead of a third
- A scale made up of six different notes each a whole step away from the next is called a ________ scale.
- whole-tone
- Intervals smaller than the half step are called
- Microtones
- An example of aleatoric music is
- John Cage\'s Imaginary Landscape No. 4 for twelve radios
- Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) is an example of
- Primitivism
- Porgy and Bess is a(n)
- Opera
- The combination of two traditional chords sounding together is known as
- a polychord
- Alban Berg and Anton Webern were Arnold Schoenberg\'s
- Students
- Expressionism as an artistic movement was largely centered in
- Germany and Austria
- Charles Ives\'s music contains elements of
- all of the above
- The text of A Survivor from Warsaw
- all of the above
- During most of his lifetime, Charles Ives\'s musical compositions
- accumulated in the barn of his Connecticut farm
- The use of two or more keys at one time is known as
- Polytonality
- The first significant atonal pieces were composed around 1908 by
- Arnold Schoenberg
- In chance, or aleatory music the composer
- chooses pitches, tone colors, and rhythms by random methods
- Twelve-tone compositional techniques used to organize rhythm, dynamics, tone color, and other dimensions of music to produce totally controlled and organized music are called
- Serialism
- Aaron Copland\'s name has become synonymous with American music because of his use of
- all of the above
- Ellen Taffee Zwilich\'s Concerto Grosso 1985 is an example of
- quotation music
- A study piece, designed to help a performer master specific technical difficulties, is known as
- an etude