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Blood vessels/arteries


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dorsalis pedis
fed by anterior tibial artery at ankle; feeds middle of dorsal foot. palpatable for a pulse.
deep veins of lower limb
drain the lower limb and return the blood back to the heart. named according to accompanying arteries
superficial veins of the lower limb
greater and lesser saphenous veins
greater saphenous vein
runs up the medial leg and thigh to join the femoral nerve, which then runs deep to send the blood back to the heart!
lesser saphenous vein
joins the popliteal vein in the middle of the posterior leg
peroneal artery
a lateral branch of the posterior tibial artery, this branches into the medial and lateral plantar arteries.
the arteries of lower limb begin when:
the external iliac artery crosses the inguinal ligament and becomes the femoral artery in the femoral triangle
anterior tibial artery
branch of popliteal artery. passes between fibula/tibia to anterior leg. at ankle becomes dorsalis pedis
posterior tibial artery
branch from popliteal artery. feeds posterior muscles of leg, we focus on the lateral branch, the peroneal artery.
the hole, open part of vessel
tunic intima
internal layer of the blood vessel; composed of endothelial cells with an elastic membrane
tunica media
middle layer of the lining of the blood vessel; composed of smooth muscle, elastic tissue, and concentrically organized
tunica externa (adventitia)
external, outermost layer of the blood vessel; composed of white, fibrous connective tissue
similar in structure to arteries, but thicker, more musclular

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