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Pop Music


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Charles Harris
first mega-hit pop song from vaudeville music in TPA, AABA, but added a chorus
First sound film
exploited the start status of Al Jolson
First radio stations
newark, pittsburgh, detroit
get all establishments who played live music to pay fee - industry to corner market
Where did jazz emerge from and why
New Orleans 1. racially mixed area. Creoles (mixed french, spanish, african americans and native americans from caribbean and haiti) 2. a large seaport. big during WW1 when soilders would leave for war or come back 3. Storyville district allowed for a gathering of musicians 4. Bands in this region expanded to include drums, trumpets, clarinets, trombones
Transitional figure from piano styles between ragtime and jazz
Ferdinand "Jelly Roll" Morton. Born into a creole family in new orlenas - was a gambler, a pimp, a pool shark - jazz was attacked by politicians and relgious figures - but jazz was attractive because it was daring, dance music, and people though it was just a phase
3 different styles of country blues
1) Texas: repetitive beat 2) Delta: Very rural and guitar oriented. harsh 3) Piedmont: Ragtime influence with the 3rd hand piano played by thumb
Artists in Texas
- Blind "Lemon" Jefferson: criticized for "broken time". guitar playing was clean and clear but couldn't dance to it. backed by paramount. songs like soap operas - Texas Alexander: did not play an instrument. His instrument was his voice. Rough, similar to field holler. Known for "house of the risin' sun"
Artists in Delta
Charley Patton: excellent guitarist. could play behind his back/head/feet. toss guitar up in air and catch it (jimi hendrix). was a drunk, dishonest, and violent man - Son House: played on a National Steel Guitar. Good for blues because of their volume and could mimick the crying moan of the human voice
Artists of Piedmont
- Blind Blake: in south around start of ragtime and jazz in new orleans.. used 3rd hand to emulate the left hand alternating bass of ragtime piano - Rev. Gary Davis: slipped on ice and broke his hand. bones set crooked. allowed him to fingre the chords in a unique way. taught guitar in new york
Country Blues
- influenced by hollers, calls, chants, crude w/o accompaniment - 12 bars, 3 chords (i, iv, v), AAB format
Classic Blues
more refined and commercial version of blues - normally sung by females like bessie smith, ma rainey - 12 bars, 3 chord, AAB format
Country music's first real star
Jimmy Rodgers - took african american blues and added a high-pitched nasal tune.
Heard guitarist playing slide and singing in bottleneck style. codified what he had heard
W.C. Handy - Tin pan alley had been producing songs like this for years
First to record classic blues
Sophie Tucker: jewish female from russia. incorporated klezmer into songs
Slaves brought ...
polyrhythms from work songs and field hollers. call and response/ repetition. - slaves' cultural experience already had a hybrid history: mixed race/exposures - came directly from brazil and caribbean
first american pop composer
Stephen Foster: combined forms to make a uniquely American song. - leaned heavily on irish "sentimental" AABA
Formalized ragtime genre into AABBA CCDD
Scott Joplin
featured white performers in black face parodying African American music, dance ,dress, and dialect. - showed the influence of AA on popular culture - couldve been the only way whites admit that AA had traits they coveted
Minstrelsy development of business
- helped to spread music to a wider audience --> audience wanted public education so more could read music --> helped boost sheet music business --> assisted with the rise of cheap pianos that oculd be put into family ruooms due to industrialization and urbanization *** now publishing firms competed for "hits" as it came to an end, AA emerged as composers and performers for ragtime
Jewish influence on standard song
low-class immigrants that were unable to have any upward mobility ..instead, they perfected their performing skills on the streets of NY and then moved onto vaudeville - both groups deeply affected by dpression.. so their songs did not deal with troubling issues, but privacy (slums) and romance ..idea behind songs, people could sing and would leave an impression - common AABA form allows for impersonation

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