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Semester 1 Exam Review


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Another country who helped America in the war
John Paul Jones
Who said - "I have not yet begun to fight!"
Middle Colonies Culture
very diverse; different kinds of people, big cities, international trade
Sons of Liberty
Colonial political group organized to protest England's actions
Articles of Confederation
Name of the government of the new country/First form of written government for the United States
People who thought the United States should be INDEPENDENT
Olive Branch Petition
Colonists' Last try at peace with England
method used to get workers for tobacco plantations - workers imported by force, must work for life, not free or paid
practices, beliefs and customs by which a group expresses faith or belief in a higher being
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
First Constitution written in America - limited the governor's power in Connecticut, allowed non church members to vote
Area of the country where the last years of the Revolutionary war were fought
Indentured Servants
method used to get workers for tobacco plantations - workers sign a contract, work 7 years, then get freedom and maybe land
Large group of religious dissenters who started Massachusetts Bay Colony
John Paul Jones
American commander in our only major naval victory
New England
fishing, shipbuilding, whaling
Samuel Adams
The head "troublemaker" of the patriot group in Boston
Area the Continental Army tried to invade and failed
Toleration Act
Document granting Religious freedom in Maryland
Women and Slaves
2 groups of people ignored by the Declaration of Independence
Lord Baltimore
He founded the colony for Catholics
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island
List the New England colonies
Thomas Paine's 2nd pamphlet that Washington used to inspire his men
George Washington
Commander of the Colonists' Army
Battle of Yorktown
Place where Washington and the French trapped Cornwallis and the British, forcing them to surrender
Proclamation of 1763
Law that forbid colonists to move west of the Appalachian Mountains
Boston Tea Party
Protests when colonists threw tea into the harbor
Group of religious separatists who started Plymouth Colony
George Washington
Who said - "I cannot let my army surrender or the war will be over and all will be lost!"
Nathan Hale
Who said - "My only regret is that I have but one life to give for my country."
George Rogers Clark
Western Indian Fighter
John Hancock
First signer of the Declaration of Independence
England considered the signers of the Declaration of Independence to be this
New Jersey & New York
2 States where the Continentals lost many battles
73 British soldiers were killed in a 20 mile running battle back to this city
"pull factor"
a reason or force that causes people to choose to move to a new place
July 4, 1776
Date the Declaration of Independence was adopted
Cash Crop Economy/Farming
Producing a large amount to sell for a profit
A tax on Imports
William Prescott - Battle of Bunker Hill
Who said - "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes!!"
Subsistence Economy/Farming
Producing just enough for your family to use
British hired many of these to fight the colonists
growing tobacco and other high maintenance cash crops to sell
Paul Revere
Patriot who made a famous ride to warn "The regulars are coming!"
John Smith
He became a military dictator; forced Jamestowners to work
Treaty of Paris 1763
Peace Treaty signed at the end of the war
Great Compromise
The solution between big and small states over the amount of representation each state would get in Congress- 2 senators per state; House representatives based on population
Force George Washington and the Continental Army to surrender
Despite their superior army, England could never
A colony that was founded for Catholics
state, country or nation in which people elect representatives to govern
Cash crop that made a profit and saved Jamestown
International Trade
The Dutch Moneymaker in New Amsterdam (later New York)
John Adams
The lawyer who made sure protests were legal
Patrick Henry
Who said - "Give me Liberty or Give me Death!!!"
Each colony set up one of these in case they needed to defend themselves
Battle of Saratoga
Battle that is the turning point of the war because...
Benedict Arnold
American general who became our first traitor
Second Continental Congress
All signers of the Declaration of Independence were members of this
Shays Rebellion
"Last straw" that made people realize that the Articles of Confederation were too weak
Drying or Salting
Meat preservation before refrigeration was invented
Lexington and Concord
First Battle of the Revolutionary War
Cause of the French and Indian War
England and France both wanted to control the Ohio River Valley
New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware
List the Middle colonies
The French moneymaker in Canada
Stamp Act
Tax on all printed documents, dice, playing cards
House of Burgesses
First representative government in America; in Virginia
Thomas Hooker
Founder of Connecticut
James Madison
Father of the Constitution
Cash Crops
Growing a large amount of something to sell for profit
Anne Hutchinson
She was forced out of Massachusetts for holding Bible study and interpreting the Bible in her own way
First Permanent English settlement in America
Lumber, fish, Cash crops
The English moneymaker on the East coast
3/5 Compromise
The solution to the conflict between free states and slave states over whether slaves would be counted in the population- 3/5 of slaves were counted
Southern Colonies Culture
economy depended on slave labor, farm life, isolated, few towns
Benedict Arnold
General who was the hero at the Battle of Saratoga
Boston Massacre
5 colonists were unintentionally killed by British soldiers during this event
John Hancock
The wealthy businessman who financed protest activities
People who thought the United States should REMAIN PART OF ENGLAND
growing bread grains to sell as cash crops
Bill of Rights
Added to the Constitution so that it would be ratified bu all the states
Quartering Act
Law that made colonists provide British troops with food, shelter, etc.
Reasons Articles of Confederation failed
States had too much power, federal had no power, federal couldn't tax, federal had no leader
Common Sense
Thomas Paine's first pamphlet; encouraged independence
Exaggerating or distorting news to influence people's opinions
Writs of Assistance
Allowed England to search colonists' ships and other private property without an individual warrant
Valley Forge
Place where continental Army spent a terrible winter
Colonists sent these to the king asking for help and asking to repeal the taxes
"push factor"
a reason or force that causes people to leave their native land
Committees of Correspondence
Colonies organized these to keep each other informed
Crispus Attucks
Ex-slave killed by British troops during the Boston massacre
Declaration of Independence
Document that officially made the United States a separate country from Britain
Thomas Jefferson
Primary writer of the Declaration of Independence
Natural Rights
Colonists felt that taxes and searches violated this
Benedict Arnold
Who said - "I had to sell information to the British to pay off my debts. Besides, those ungrateful Americans didn't appreciate me enough."
James Oglethorpe
He started Georgia as a colony for poor people
Boston Harbor
This was closed as part of Boston's punishment for the tea party
First country to become allies with the U.S.
high maintenance cash crops that DID require much labor
Battle of Bunker Hill
Battle in Boston where colonists had a moral victory because they fought well and damaged the superior British army
producing mechanical things (clocks, guns)
Anti Federalists
People who feared the Constitution, thinking it gave too much power to the Federal Government
Ethan Allen & The Green Mountain Boys
Captured cannons from Ft. Ticonderoga
The Spanish moneymaker in Mexico and South America
Virginia, Maryland, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina
List the Southern colonies
Northwest Ordinance
Law passed by Confederation Congress to set up government and prohibit slavery in the Northwest Territory
economic system that increased money in a country's treasury by creating colonies and controlling their trade
Sons of Liberty
secret society formed to oppose British policies
William Penn
He bought land from the Indians and founded Pennsylvania
First college in America founded in 1636
Tea Act
Tax that gave East India Company a monopoly on selling tea
Continental Army
Name of the Colonists' Army
supported the Constitution
Mayflower Compact
Pilgrims wrote this to make a government for their colony
Thomas Paine
Who said - "Being ruled by England just isn't Common Sense" "Don't be a Sunshine Patriot"
Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts)
Laws issued to punish Boston for having the tea party
England used these to make money and assert their control
Town Hall Meetings
Colonists could not have these as punishment for the tea party
growing rice and indigo to sell as cash crops
Townshend Acts
Tax on paper, lead, glass, paint, and tea
colony started on Cape Cod by the Pilgrims in 1620
Plan for creating new states
Have population of60,000 free men; write a constitution; ask Congress for admittance; have the same rights as old states
Subsistence Farming
Growing food for your family, but not a huge crop to sell
New England
rocky soil and poor farming
Salem Witch Trails
Event that made the Puritans realize that church and state should be separated
Religious group that believed that all people were equal
New England Colonies Culture
dominated by the Puritan church, education, good work ethic, super strict
Money that has been borrowed and must be repaid
George Washington and Continental Army surprised and defeated the Hessians here
The younger, most fired up volunteers who were always ready to fight
Roger Williams
He founded Rhode Island to separate church and state

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