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Geography Midterm 1


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Vertical movement of a fluid
% CO2 is responsible for changes in climate
cold and dry air (cold waves)
continental polar
High pressure tends to gravitate towards low pressure
Pressure Gradient
Stars in Milky Way
400 Billion
No ozone=
No life on land
Nitrous Oxide
Lense shape, associated with mountains, don't move
Initial disturbance to a system --> cascade of responses of the system --> increase of initial disturbance (increase in Temp -> decrease in ice -> decrease in albedo -> increase in temp)
Positive feedback
Temp records (long term- atmospheric and oceanic), melting arctic ice and glaciers, sea level rise, growing seasons (increase of 5-13 days), migration times
Evidence of Global Warming
No O2 in air
aneurobic conditions
CO2, CH4, CFC'S, NO, H2O
Greenhouse Gases
Initial disturbance --> equillibrium (increase in temp -> increase in evaporation -> increase in clouds -> increase in albedo -> decrease in temp)
Negative feedback
Atmospheric lifiting- Cold front takes over warm front and warm air rises
popcorn balls high in the sky
In the last 100 years, increase of 7 inches, Next 100 years projected increase of 20 inches
Sea level rise
Horizontal movement of a fluid
6C/ 1000 m (RH=100%)
Wet Adiabatic Lapse Rate
September 21st
Fall Equinox
rain/snow, no thunder/lightening, dark
Good Conductor
Styrofoam, air, wood
Poor conductors
Land surface loses heat, temperature drops (conditions: calm, clear night)
Radiation fog
Does not cause the spin as water drains (sink or toilet)
Coriolis Effect
Wamer than rural environments
Urban Environments
Clouds are made of _____
The heat you sense
Sensible heat
hot and dry air (heat waves)
continental tropical
Grey clouds, uniform, boring, no precipitation, maybe a little mist
Which season is wet at 16 N Lat?
Wet summer, dry winter
warm and moist air (hurricanes)
maritime tropical
Nuclear fusion of light atoms form in the center of stars and create heavy elements
How heavy elements are made
Human population
6.2 billion
These needs water temps of at least 80, which they're getting more often
Transfer of heat by the mass movement of a fluid (all liquids and gases).
Convection, Advection
halow around the sun and the moon
Divides cold polar air from warmer subtropcial air
Polar Jet Stream
When energy is transferred from one thing to another through contact (burning yourself on a stove).
All the pressure cells on earth shift this way in the winter
The highest specific humidity has the highest ______
Dew POint Temperature
When you move from high pressure to low pressure fairly quickly, the pressure outside is low and the pressure in your ear is still high and this happens
Plugged ears
Which season is wet at 37 N Lat?
Dry summers, wet winters
_____ are the primary cause of ocean currents
Winds (Subtropical Highs)
Births-Deaths= increase in earth's population
240,000 people/day
Sea Level (in inches or mercury)
Sun's rays hit perpendicular to the Tropic of Cancer 23.5 N
Summer Solstice
Transmission, Refraction, Scattering, Reflection, Absorption
Pathways of Radiation
Synthetic molcules with Cl and Br; break down the ozone layer
Sun's rays hit perpendicular to the Tropic of Capricorn 23.5 S
Winter Solstice
Will melting sea ice change the sea level?
(Water vapor content/ Water vapor capacity) x 100
Relative Humidity
The temperature at which the air cannot hold any more water vapor (RH=100%)
Dew Point Temperature
Carbon Dioxide
A measurement of how much water vapor in the air.
Warm air collides with cold air and rises; lighter, longer precipitation
warm front
% CH4 is responsible for changes in climate
Traveling through atmosphere
Atmospheric lifiting at ITCZ
March 21st
Spring Equinox
no precipitation, heaps over layers
Measures pressure
Mercury Barometer
Earth's albedo
N. Hemisphere: all things in motion curve to the right; S. Hemisphere: all things in motion curve to the left
Coriolis Effect
Mid-latitude wave cyclone: Stage two
Open stage (cold and warm front separate)
Oregon coastal fog (wind driven off ocean towards land, hits cold water currents and reaches dew point, needs wind
advection fog
Visible light comes through the atmosphere easily; Infrared does not. (Light comes through atmosphere as light, bounces earth and either goes through as visible light or bounces off atmosphere and comes back as heat.)
Greenhouse Effect
High pressure off the land migrates to the low pressure on the ocean (in the evening)
Land Breeze
Measure of the percent of incoming radiation REFLECTED by an object
Worst over antarctica (depletion is accelerated by cold temps in stratusphere)
Ozone depletion
High pressure=
Clear Weather
High pressure off the mountain migrates to the low pressure of the valley (in the evening)
Mountain Breeze
This is expanding towards the poles because conditions are more favorable
Lightening takes ___ seconds to travel one mile
Habitat loss and climate change leads to this
Very little wind at equator because air is only moving up
sun dimly visible
December 21st
Winter Solstice
Bending of light
Latitude, Cloud cover, Altitude, Marine/Continental Climate
Factors affecting earth's temp
Pressure Gradient, Coriolis Effect, Friction Force
Driving forces of wind
Movement of air
High pressure cells at tropics
Subtropical High Pressure Cells
When the earth is farthests away from the sun
clouds are cold enough to have ice crystals which aid in the formtion of rain
ice crystal process
Energy is transferred by electromagnetic radiation
Cloud of gases and debris from exploded star. After they explode, the space contracts and begins to rotate.
Cold air rams into warm air and makes warm air rise; makes storms
cold front
Energy is absorbed and then re-radiated in all directions
High pressure off the valley migrates to the low pressure on the mountain (in the afternoon)
Valley Breeze
2 water droplets collide and make a bigger one
collision and coalescence
fog that gathers at the tops of mountains
upslope fog
% CFCs and Nitrousoxide are responsible for changes in climate
All the pressure cells on earth shift this way in the summer
Two types of heat
Sensible, Latent
Radiation fog in valleys between mountains (less wind, cold air sources adjacent to valley [cold air sinks])
valley fog
Invented because they have excellent thermal properties/ no corrosion to metal (refrigeration, electronic manufacturing)
When the earth is close to the sun
June 21st
Summer Solstice
1987- phase out and ban ozone depleting chemicals
Montreal Protocol
Cool and moist air (pacific nw winter)
maritime polar
This is caused by the angle at which the sun hits the earth
Lower elevation clouds
stratus, stratocumulus, nimbostratus
Water supply and agriculture, disease, sealevel rise, extinctions, hurricanes
consequences of global warming
Add water vapor and drop temperature to make _____
Mid-latitude wave cyclone: Stage four
Dissolves (no more lifting of air=no clouds= falls apart)
Where trade winds converge
Heat that is absorbed/ released during a phase change
Latent heat
A measure of the mass of water vapor in the air (mass/mass)
Specific Humidity
Skin cancer, Cataracts, Crop damage, Decrease in immune system
Increase in UV Radiation
Sky is blue because of...
Scattering of blue light
Fog over bodies of water, common in fall
Evaporation fog
Mid (Alto)- elevation clouds
altostratus, altocumulus
Atmospheric lifiting- warm air rises
Mid-latitude wave cyclone: Stage three
Occluded front (cold front overtakes warm front- zipper)
Radiation bouncing off an object
Atmospheric lifiting up mountains
Low relative humidity =
high evaporation rate
Causes of increased CH4
Livestock, rice, melting of permafrost
Why are urban environments warmer?
Drier, Less wind, Absorptions of heat
"horse tail clouds"
Sun's rays hit perpendicular to the equator
Fall Equinox, Spring Equinox
High velocity (up to 230 mph) westerly winds; make paths for storms
Jet Streams
10C/ 1000 m (RH< 100%)
Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate
Pressure of air molcules pushing down on you
Air Pressure
Which season is wet at 0 Lat?
Wet all year round
Sea Level (in milibars)
Mid-latitude wave cyclone: stage one
Develop low pressure cell
Everything with mass has a gravitational field
Gravitational Field
Water vapor capacity is _____ in warm air and _____ in cold air
high, low
Cold front overtakes a warm front; intense rain/snow
Occluded Front
Very little wind at tropics
Horse Latitude
After nebula begins to spin, you get a center (the greatest mass), and other smaller objects rotating around that.
Nebular Hypothesis
H, He
Main elements in space
Near poles, lets more UV rays into the atmosphere
Ozone hole
High pressure off the ocean migrates to the low pressure on the land (in the afternoon)
Sea Breeze
Sunsets/Sunrises are red/orange because of...
Scattering of blue light
high elevation clouds
cirrocumulus, cirrus, cirrostratus
Low pressure=
Stormy Weather

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