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Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
-Promotes wound healing and resistance to infection
-Needed for red blood cell formation Transports CO2
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Aids in nerve cell production and function; assists in the release of energy from fats, carbs and proteins
-Necessary for maintaining fluid balance Transports nutrients across cell membranes Aids in nerve transmission
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Maintains normal metabolism; promotes proper nerve function
Vitamin E
Prevents the destruction of red blood cells; serves as an anti-oxidant
Vitamin A
Maintains healthy eyes, skin and hair; essential for night vision anti-oxidant
-Works with sodium in fluid balance essential for cell metabolism
Vitamin B1(Thiamin)
Assists with conversion of carbs to energy; need for normal appetite and nerve function
Vitamin K
Blood clotting; assists in bone health
Vitamin B6
-Necessary for release of energy from calorie producing nutrients
-Promotes cell reproduction and repair
Vitamin B12
-Vital for blood formation
Vitamin D
Works with calcium and phosphorus to build bones and teeth
-Develop of healthy bones and teeth regulates body functions helps the heart muscle contract
-Works with calcium to develop bones and teeth essential for cell metabolism

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