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Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory System


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Within pleural cavity; less than pressure in alveoli
intrapleural pressure
Expiration: thoracic/inrtrapulm. volume incr/decr?
Most soluble?
Inspiration causes volume of thoracic cavity: increase/decrease?
Expiration: air pushed where?
At a high altitude, atm pressure INCR/DECR thus partial pressure INCR/DECR.
decr decr
Ideal gas law
P = 1/V
Inspiration: pressure in lungs: increase/decrease?
Normal quiet breath
Tidal volume
Vital capacity
half as soluble as C02
Inspiration: vacuum created, air does what?
pushes into lungs
Vol of air that can be forcebly inhaled beyond TV
inspiratory reserve vol
Total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases is the sum of what?
pressures exerted by each gas in the mixture
Nearly insoluble
Gases always move from - pressure to - pressure.
higher lower
when does Inspiration end?
intrapulmonary pressure = atm pressure
O2, CO2 must be transported to and from lungs and body tissue cells via blood stream.
Respiratory gas transport
Pressure within alveoli of lungs.
Intrapulmonary pressure
Diaphragm contracts, ribcage rises
Air in airsacs of lungs continually changing and being refreshed: breathing
pulmonary ventilation
high pressure conditions
hyperbaric conditions
used to force greater amounts of oxygen into blood
hyperbaric chamber
At systemic capillaries gas exchange occurs between blood and tissue cells.
Internal respiration
Gas exchange- O2 loaded, CO2 unloaded
External respiration
Always described relative to atm pressure (760 mmhg).
Respiratory Pressure
Vol that can be forcibly exhaled byond TV
Expiratory reserve
Diaphragm relaxes, ribcage down
Vol of air left in lungs that cannot be voluntarily expelled; allows gas exchange to occur between breaths, keeps alveoli inflated
Residual vol
BC of Henri's law, the greater the concerntration of gas in gas phase, the (more, faster)/(less, slower) it will go into a solution
more faster
narcotic effect as a result of n2 dissolving into the blood
nitrogen narcosis
if divers ascend too quickly what happens?
bubbles out of the tissues and make its way into muscles and bone- "the bends"

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