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APES AP exam vocab


undefined, object
copy deck
to incorporate or take up
Acute vs Chronic
Acute is a short, one time exposure

Chronic is continuous, low-level exposure
Any of various chiefly aquatic, eukaryotic, photosynthetic organisms, ranging in size from single-celled forms to the giant kelp. Not classified as plants because they lack roots, stems, leaves,and embryos
A pungent colorless gaseous alkaline compound of nitrogen and hydrogen NH3 that is very water soluble and can be easily condensed to a liquid with low temperatures and pressure
Any of a group of prokaryotic unicellular, round, spiral, or rod-shaped single-celled microorganisms that are often aggregated into colonies or motile by means of flagella.
Bhopal, India
A noxious gas (methylisocyanate) blanketed the city when water had gotten into a tank containing 40 tons of MIC setting off a chemical reaction killing 1754 and injuring another 200,000
The presence of a chemical substance in higher concentrations in an organism than in the direct environment or in its food.
Any cancer-causing substance
A halogen element that is isolated as a heavy greenish yellow gas of pungent odor and is used esp as a bleach oxidizing agesnt and water disinfectant
Coliform Bacteria
Bacteria that live in the intestines (including the colon) of humans and animals - used as a measure of the presences of feces in water or soil
The amount of a component in a given area or volume
Anything that contaminates an experiment or presents a confounding variable

A colorless, odorless, water-insoluble, crystalline insecticide that tends to accumulate in ecosystems and has toxic effects on many vertebrates; caused illnesses and environmental problems and is now banned in the US
To free from infection by distruction of mircoorganisms
Process of purifying a liquid by successive evaporation and condensation
Dose Threshold Level
Maximum level of a substance before toxic levels are reached
Hazardous Chemicals
Any kind of acid, irritants, etc.  Many are hazardous in high concentrations but harmless when diluted
Heavy Metals
Mecury, lead, cadmium and nickel- highly toxic in very small quantities; can be fatal and bioaccumulate in environment
The iron-containing respiratory pigment in red blood cells of vertebrates, consisting of about 6% heme and 94% globin

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