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AP History (part III)


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Era of Good Feelings
1816-1824, upsurge in patriotism
Whiskey Rebellion
Penn. farmers opposed to the excise tax (25%) on grain, became a mobacracy, government quickly and efficiently stopped them
Articles of the Confederation
very weak, no strong national government, , taxes had to be unanimous, laws approved by 2/3rds, amendments must be unanimous, no executive branch, no court, taxes could only be requested, no regulation of interstate commerce
Battle of Yorktown
Rochambeau, Washington, De Grasse, defeat British and drive them from Cheseapeake Bay, Cornwallis surrendered on October 19, 1781
Sedition Act
1789- made it illegal to criticize policies of the government
The Virginia Resolution
written by Madison, declared that states had the rights of nullification, never passed
Chesepeake Incident
the US "Cheseapeake" sunk by the British
Annapolis Convention
attempt to discuss problems caused by the Articles
Hartford Convention
meeting of federalists who opposed war of 1812, called for 2/3 majority to declare war, no consecutive same-state presidents, 2/3 majority for embargos, get rid of 3/5 Compromise, marked the end of the federalist party
Judiciary Act of 1801
created the 16, federalist, "Midnight Judges"
The Virginia/ "Big State" Plan
proposed by James Madison, 3 branches of government, 2 house bicameral legislature, votes based on population
Citizen Genet
french emessary who tried to convince americans to support France, kicked out of the country
Order of the Cincinnatus
group of Washington's officers who plotted to put Washington in power because the gocernment wasn't giving them pension, Washington thwarted them, Newburg Consperacy
The Constitutional Convention
president Washington, met to try and fix the articles, ended up making a new government instead
The Burr Conspiracy
Aaron Burr's attempt to take over Louisiana and secced from the nation
Battle of Camden
August 16, 1780- worst day for Americans, Gates was American general (fired after battle and replaced by Nathaniel Greene)
Land Ordinance of 1785
western lands sold to pay off debts from revolution
Lord Dunmore Decree
said ny slave who joined British army would be free
James Madison
father of the constituton, federalist
The Great Compromise
created bicameral legislature where one had equal representation (Senate- 2 votes) and one was population-based (House)
Assumption Plan
1791, Hamilton's plan for the US to assume the state's debts, was granted because he gave Jefferson VA as the site for the capital
written by George Mason, series of essays against the constitution
The Federalist Papers
written by Madison, Jay, and Hamilton to convince people to ratify the constitution
The Jay Treaty
1794- england promised to respect american freedom of the seas and build no more new forts in the US, americans promised to repay their debts
Democrat- Republicans
strict interpretation, weaker government, Francophiles
The Kentuckey Resolutions
written by Jefferson, declared that states had the right of nullification
Men who organized resistance in SC
Sumter, Marien,Morgan, Pickens
De Grasse
French admiral
Alien Act
1789- gave president the right to deport aliens, passed by a Federalist congress during John Adams' presidency
Battle of Plattsburg
american victory, US- Thomas MacDunogh
Non-Intercourse Act
1809- replaces the embargo act, said America would begin to export with everyone but England and France
Treaty of Paris of 1783
granted american independence, all land to the mississippi river belong to US, loyalists were not to be persecuted, americans were to pay off debts to the british, British allowed to keep some forts
french general under washington
loose interpretation, stronger government, Anglophiles
Treaty of Ghent
ended the War of 1812, everything went back to the way it was
Macion's Bill No. 2
1811- replaces the Non-Intercourse Act, said whichever country (France or England) would stop interupting freedom of the seas, America would trade with them
3/5 Compromise
Slaves counted as 2/5 of a person when counted for population
Northwest Ordinance
deternimed how new states would be admitted: if 60,000 people were in the area and they wrote a constitution that was approved
Bill of Rights
proposed by Elbrige Gerry, seconded by George Mason, unanimous no at first (so Gerry, Mason, and Randolph wouldn't sign the constitution), later added during the ratification debates
Shay's Rebellion
some people in mass. organized rebellion to take over government,showed how weak the articles of confederation were, was thwared, Shay's hung
The Pickney Treaty
between US and Spain, guarenteed US access to New Orleans and the Mississippi
New Jersey/ "Small State" Plan
proposed by William Paterson, had equal representation in legislature

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