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American History Chapter 12


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the Liberty Party
made abolition a political movement
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Brook Farm
New England transcendentalists
William L. Garrison
The Liberator
Robert Owen
New Harmony
Declaration of Sentiments
Seneca Falls Convention
Washingtonian Society
group of reformed drinkers
movement against alcohol
burned over districts
area of intensive revivals in NY and Ohio
American Colonization Society
advocated blacks returning to Africa
Theodore Weld
equated slavery with sin
Sarah Grimke
Letters on the Equality of the Sexes
Horace Mann
leading educational reformer
"bloomer" costume
feminist style of dress
common schools
tax-supported public schools
David Walker
An Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World
Dorothea Dix
advocate for the mentally ill
Elijah Lovejoy
editor and first martyr of the abolitionist movement
gag rule
preventing petitions to be heard in Congress
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
organized the Seneca Falls Convention

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