SAT wordsD
undefined, object
copy deck
- dais
- raised platform
- daunt
- to intimidate, frighten
- dearth
- scarcity
- debase
- lower in quality or value
- decoy
- lure or bait
- delude
- to decieve
- demur
- to object mildly
- demure
- reserved modest
- deplete
- to lessen the supply or content of
- depraved
- morally corrupt, debased, perverted
- deranged
- having a severe mental disorder, being insane
- derogate
- to detract, to take away
- descry
- to discerm, to catch sight of something that is difficult to catch sight of
- desultory
- aimless disconnected rambling haphazard
- deter
- to prevent or discourage from happenening
- to ruin by violent action
- devastate
- devoid
- completely lacking, void, empty, without
- dexterous
- adroit or skillfull in the use of hands or body
- diabolical
- fiendish devilish, nastily schemeing
- discern
- to detect by the use of the sense
- discord
- lack of harmony
- disparage
- to belittle to reduce in esteem
- disseminate
- to dispense objects such as seeds newspapers to distribute
- distraught
- anxious worried distressed
- several
- diverse
- diverse
- distinct varied differing
- doleful
- sad mournful
- drastic
- severe
- dynamic
- energetic, vigorous, forceful
- diaphanous
- translucent, gossamer
- defenestration
- act of throwing something out of the window