SAT wordsE
undefined, object
copy deck
- ebullient
- bubblly overflowing with excitement
- edify
- to enlighten educate
- to elecit
- educe
- to erase, rub out
- efface
- effete
- tired barren decadent
- effigy
- dummy ( manequinn
- emaciated
- excessively thin, weak
- emulate
- to imitate closely
- epitaph
- memorial text
- epitome
- something that perfectly represents an entire class of things, embodiment
- equestrian
- pertaining to horsemanship, on horseback
- equipoise
- equality, balance , equilibrium equi= eual poise- balance
- equivocal
- capable of 2 interpretation ambiguous
- erode
- to diminish or destroy by small amounts
- scholarly
- erudite
- eschew
- avoid shun
- esoteric
- known only by a few people
- ethereal
- not of the material world
- eulogy
- praiseful speech at a funeral
- euphemism
- nice way of saying something unpleasant
- exact
- to demand
- exhume
- to remove from a grave, disinter
- exigent
- urgent requiring immediate attention