SAT wordsO
undefined, object
copy deck
- obdurate
- hardened against good influence
- oblivion
- state of being totally forgotten
- obsequious
- fawning too easily compliant
- obsolete
- out of style, outdated
- obstreperous
- unruly defiant boisterous
- obtrude
- to orce onesself or ones ideas on others, to extrude to stick out
- obtuse
- thick headed, stupid
- occult
- pertaining to supernatural phenomena
- odious
- offensive, hateful
- officious
- obnoxious and pushy in giving opinions
- ogle
- to stare at
- olfactory
- pertaining to the sense of smell
- omnipotent
- all powerful
- omniscient
- all knowing
- onerous
- burdensome
- opulent
- rich
- oscillate
- to swing back and forth
- ostensible
- apparent seeming
- ostentatiou
- showy pretentious
- ostracize
- to banish or exclude
- overt
- open and observableble