SAT Lesson 11-15
undefined, object
copy deck
- dogmatic
- positive and emphatic in asserting opinions
- dormant
- lying asleep; in a state of rest
- duplicity
- deceitfulness
- ebb
- to decline
- eclectic
- consisting of selections from various sources
- efface
- to wipe out; to erase
- effervescent
- lively; giving off bubbles
- elucidate
- to make clear
- elusive
- hard to grasp; baffling
- emulate
- to try to equal or surpass
- engender
- to cause, produce, bring into being
- enhance
- to add to; to make greater in value
- enigma
- a puzzle; a baffling situation
- ephemeral
- lasting for only a short time
- equanimity
- evenness of temper
- equivocate
- to use double meanings in order to mislead; to be shifty; to quibble
- esoteric
- understood by only a select few
- eulogy
- high praise for a deceased person
- evanescent
- gradually disappearing; fleeting
- exacerbate
- to make a situation worse; to irritate
- exemplary
- serving as a model
- expedient
- useful; advantageous; based on self-interest
- extol
- to praise highly
- fallacy
- false idea; mistaken belief
- fervor
- intense emotion; great warmth of feeling
- fitful
- spasmodic; intermittent
- fledgling
- newly developed; little known
- forlorn
- deserted; left alone and neglected; unhappy
- formidable
- hard to overcome; to be dreaded
- fortitude
- happening by chance
- galvanize
- to arouse suddenly; to startle
- garble
- confused; mixed up
- garner
- to gather and store away; to collect
- garrulous
- talkative
- gratitude
- freely given; unnecessary; uncalled-for
- guile
- crafty deceit; cunning
- hackneyed
- used too often; trite; commonplace
- haphazard
- not planned; random
- embroil
- to involve in a quarrel
- egregious
- extraordinarily bad
- embellish
- to decorate; to elaborate upon
- enervate
- to weaken, to lessen the strength of
- euphemism
- use of an indirect expression in place of one that is harsh
- expedite
- to make easy and quick; to speed up
- expunge
- to erase; to remove completely
- facilitate
- to make easy; to help bring about
- fastidious
- hard to please; dainty in taste
- flagrant
- outrageous; glaringly offensive
- gullible
- easily deceived
- furtive
- done quickly and with stealth to avoid being noticed; secret