sat prep words
undefined, object
copy deck
- abbreviate
- shorten, abridge
- aesthetic
- pertaining to beauty
- anonymous
- nameless
- benevolent
- friendly, helpful
- collaborate
- to work together
- conditional
- provisional, contingent
- conformist
- follower of customs
- diligent
- hard-working
- evanescent
- short-lived, as an image
- fortuitous
- lucky
- hedonist
- pleasure seeker
- incompatible
- unable to work together
- integrity
- honesty, decency
- jubilation
- joy, exultation
- opulent
- wealthy
- procrastinate
- to delay unnecessarily
- rancorous
- hateful
- sagacity
- wisdom
- spurious
- phony, false
- transient
- temporary fleeting