SAT Vocabulary 28
undefined, object
copy deck
- abeyance
- suspension of action
- burly
- great in bodily size, sturdy; brusque
- cabalier
- an armed horseman, a knight; treating important matters lightly
- chagrin
- vexation through humiliation, hurt pride, or disappointment
- coagulate
- to gather together in a mass, to clot; to congeal
- compilation
- an accumulation of many things
- contest
- to compete, to attempt to disprove
- defoliate
- to deprive of leaves
- effigy
- a dummy or image of a person (usually one who is not liked)
- eon
- a long period of time
- fervent
- ardent, showing great emotion, impassioned
- ingenuity
- cleverness, inventiveness, resourcefulness
- insidious
- treacherous or dangerous in a secret sort of way
- myopic
- unable to discern, unable to think clearly or objectively; shortsighted
- plethora
- superabundance, excessive amount
- propitious
- favorably disposed, graciously inclined
- protrusion
- something sticking out
- quack
- an unqualified or fake doctor, charlatan
- querulous
- constantly complaining, whining
- rustic
- relating to the country
- sovereign
- possessed of controlling power
- temperance
- moderation or self-restraint in action or statement
- truncate
- to shorten by cutting
- undulant
- moving with or resembling a wavelike motion
- viscosity
- property of having a high resistance to flow