"A" SAT Vocab
undefined, object
copy deck
- abate
- to lessen
- abstruse
- profound, difficult to understand
- acclivity
- sharp incline of a hill
- accost
- to approach and speak to
- adroit
- skillful
- adumbrate
- to foreshadow by disclosing partially. The economic indicators adumbrated that the price of gas would rise to a dumb rate.
- advocate
- to urge, recommend
- affected
- fake
- affinity
- attraction
- affray
- public fight
- alacrity
- cheerful promptness. Like Dumbledore at the Ministry Hearing of harry
- alimentary
- supplying nourishment
- allay
- to soothe, make more bearable
- alleged
- stated without proof
- allude
- to refer indirectly
- allusion
- a reference to something
- altercation
- a violent dispute
- amass
- to collect
- ambulatory
- able to walk
- ameliorate
- to improve a bad situation
- amity
- peaceful relations
- amnesia
- loss of memory
- amok
- violently pissed off (a-muck)
- amorphous
- shapeless
- anthropoid
- humanlike. Te root anthropo means human
- antipathy
- hatred, aversion, dislike
- apex
- summit, peak
- appease
- to sooth, to placate
- arbitrary
- chosen at random without apparent reason
- ardor
- heat passion, zeal
- assuage
- to ease, to soothe
- astute
- wise smart
- august
- majestic, awe-inspiring
- austerity
- severity, strictness
- averse
- opposed, unwilling
- avuncular
- like an uncle: kindness, indulgence, tolerance, benevolence
- awry
- twisted, crooked, out of whack, wrong, askew