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undefined, object
copy deck
mal malapropism
bad ludicrous misuse of a word
post postlude
after concluding section
port portly
carry stout
dict benediction
say blessing
omni omnibus
all covering many things
lith monolithic
rock massive and uniform
bene benediction
good blessing
cred incredulous
believe not believing
neo neophyte
new beginner
uni unilateral
one one-sided
non nonplussed
not perplexed
archy hierarchy
government ranking
inter interdiction
between prohibition
vid vide
look see
mono monolithic
one massive and uniform
pond imponderable
weight difficult to ponder
in incredulous
in/not not believing
sci omniscient
know all-knowing
phyte neophyte
plant beginner
lat unilateral
side one-sided
hypo hypothecate
under pledge as security
dox heterodox
opinion unorthodox
put putative
think thought-to-be
mega megaton
large force of a million tons of dynamite
alter altercation
other a heated dispute
contra contravene
against go against
con confluence
together a flowing together
circum circumlocute
around talking in circles
sol soliloquy
alone speech to oneself
fy mollify
make make soft
ous gregarious
full of sociable
hetero heterodox
different unorthodox
pater paterfamilias
father male head of family
ver aver
true affirm or declare
sangui sangfroid
blood cold-blooded composure
ego alter ego
I second self
ven contravene
come go against
flu confluence
flow a flowing together
loqu circumlocution
talk talking in circles
moll mollify
soft make soft
greg gregarious
group sociable
tion altercation
act or state a heated dispute
de declaim
down speak rhetorically
voc sotto voce
voice in a low voice
luc translucent
light semitransparent
acr acerbity
sharp sharpness of tember
ambul perambulate
walk wander through
pugn impugn
fight attack as false
sequ non sequitur
follow an idea that does not follow
centri egocentric
center self-centered
ous loquacious
full of talkative
sanct sacrosanct
holy sacred
phon cacophony
sound bad noise
claim declaim
cry out speak rhetorically
trans translucent
across semitransparent
fort forte, fortissimo
strong strong point, very loudly
per perambulate
through wander through
fid perfidy
faith breach of faith
non non sequitur
not an idea that does not follow
ego egocentric
I self-centered
loqu loquacious
talk talkative
sacro sacrosanct
holy sacred
caco cacophony
bad bad noise
tang tangible
touch touchable
dict obiter dictum
say passing remark
bas abase
low to lower
nihil nihilism
nothing belief in nothing
muta mutatis mutandis
change with necessary changes
terr terra incognita
land unknown land
cogn terra incognita
know unknown land
re retort
again swift reply
super supersede
over replace
gram epigram
writing witty comment
obit obiter dictum
death passing remark
sequ obsequious
follow servilely following
path pathetic fallacy
feeling ascribing feelings to things
ism nihilism
doctrine belief in nothing
inter interstice
between small space
in inanimate
in or not lifeless
sed sedate
sit calm
tort retort
twist swift reply
anim inanimate
mind lifeless
epi epigram
on witty comment
ob obsequious
against servilely following
anthropo lycanthrope
man werewolf
gastro gastronome
stomach a gourmet or epicure
auto autodidact
self self-taught person
contra au contraire
against to the contrary
viv vivacious
life lively
helio heliotropic
sun sun-following
culp exculpate
blame free from blame
spec introspective
look inward looking
mono monism
one doctrine that reality is one
centri anthropocentric
center man-centered
medi in medias res
middle in the middle of things
ambi circumambient
both surrounding
ism monism
doctrine doctrine that reality is one
trans transmogrify
across change form
ex exculpate
out free from blame
intro introspective
between inward looking
trop heliotropic
turn sun-following
lykos lycanthrope
wolf werewolf
pre a priori
before from theory
gen parthenogenesis
origin unfertilized birth
jur objurgation
swear rebuke
sopor soporific
sleep sleep-inducing
ped sesquipedalian
foot very long words
lin delineate
line to outline
tomy dichotomy
cut two-part division
tort tortuous
twist twisting
ob objurgation
against rebuke
sesqui sesquipedalian
onoe and a half very long words
nec internecine
kill mutually destructive
post a posteriori
after from observation
son assonance
sound vowel repetition
demo demotic
people of the common people
inter internecine
between mutually destructive
cracy plutocracy
government government of wealthy
phan epiphany
appearance revelation
dicho dichotomy
in two parts two-part division
sui sui generis
self unique
pluto plutocracy
wealthy government of wealthy
thanatos thanatopsis
death view of death
opio thanatopsis
sight view of death
vac vacuous
empty stupidly empty of ideas
luc lucubration
light late studying
ize lionize
make treat as a celebrity
sed assiduous, sedentary
sit persevering, sitting
fug subterfuge
flee evasive dodge
pusill pusillanimous
small small-minded
nepo nepotism
nephew favoritism to relatives
viv bon vivant
life indulger in luxury
spir suspiration
breathe deep sigh
syn synoptic
together general in view
man legerdemain
hand sleight of hand
ex ex cathedra
out from the throne
ism nepotism
system favoritism to relatives
sub subterfuge
under evasive dodge
ine saturnine
nature of gloomy and remote
anim pusillanimous
mind small-minded
bon bon vivant
good indulger in luxury
ous vacuous
full of stupidly empty of ideas
log syllogism
reason three-part deduction
phor anaphora
carry repetition in successive phrases
loco locus classicus
place classical example
de desultory
down rambling
phobia lyssophobia
fear fear of insanity
schizo schism
divide division
theo apotheosis
god raising to god status
curs precursor
run forerunner
eu euphony
good beautiful sound
funi funambulist
cord tightrope walker
nym metonymy
name association name
ize bowderlize
make censor prudishly
re reiterate
again repeat
ambul funambulist
walk tightrope walker
ideo idee fixe
idea obsession
apo apotheosis
up raising to god status
pre precursor
before forerunner
cosmo cosmology
universe study of the universe
phon euphony
sound beautiful sound
meta metonymy
change association name
pro prolix
forward tediously wordy
patr patrician
father aristocratic
cred miscreant
believe evil unbeliever
ous sententious
full of full of maxims
miss manumissiou
send release from slavery
viv the qui vive
life on the alert
sanct sanction
holy authorize
syn synopsis
together summary
co colloquy
together conversation
in in loco parentis
in/not in place of the parents
apo apostasy
away desertion of principle
ism narcissism
doctrine self-infatuation
mis miscreant
bad evil unbeliever
gno physiognomy
know facial character
loco in loco parentis
place in place of the parents
sta apostasy
stand desertion of principle
phys physiognomy
nature facial character
terr terra firma
land firm land
opia synopsis
sight summary
loqu colloquy
talk conversation
hedon hedonism
pleasure devotion to pleasure
liqu prolix
flow tediously wordy
vale valediction
farewell farewell speech
proto protagonist
first leading person
mal maladroit
bad clumsy
sarco sarcophagus
flesh stone coffin
gno ignominious
know disgraceful
ana analect
up selected writings
ex expository, exegesis
out explanatory, critical interpretation
magn magnum opus
great great work
super supercilious
over scornful
dict valediction
say farewell speech
agon protagonist
actor leading character
ism stoicism
doctrine indifference to sensation
phag sarcophagus
eat stone coffin
sur surreaistic
over unrealistically imaginary
lect analect
gather selected writings
pos expository
put explanatory
mort moribound
death dying
miss emissary
send messenger
eu euthanasia
good mercy killing
mir mirabile dictu
wonder wonderful to say
hagio hagiography
saint saint's biography
patr patronize
father condescend to
mel mellifluous
honey honeyed
inter inter alia
between among other things
ped expedite
foot hasten
bell bellicose
war warlike
mal malediction
bad a curses
xeno xenophobia
stranger fear of foreigners
thanatos euthanasia
death mercy killing
in ineffable
in/not inexpressible
graph hagiography
write saint's biography
auto autochthonous
self native
flu mellifluous
flow honeyed
dict mirabile dictu
say wonderful to say
spec specious
look false
anthropo anthropomorphic
man man-shaped
morph anthropomorphic
shape man-shaped
phobia xenophobia
fear fear of foreigners
par nonpareil
equal something unequaled
non nonpareil
not something unequaled
bas bas-relief
low low-relief sculpture
psych metempsychosis
soul transmigration of souls
gen biogenesis
origin theory of life from life
fic malefic
make causing harm
ann superannuated
year obsolete
greg egregious
group blatant
ab abjure
away renounce
bio biogenesis
life theory of life from life
dis discursive
away rambling
an analgesic
without painkiller
tig contiguous
touching touching
mal malefic
bad causing harm
equi equilibrist
equal tightrope walker
super superannuated
over obsolete
post postprandial
after after dinner
meta metempsychosis
change transmigration of souls
punct punctilio
point point of conduct
tract intractable
pull stubborn
ex egregious
out blatant
jur abjure
swear renounce
algia analgesic
pain painkiller
curs discursive
run rambling
in intractable
in/not stubborn

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