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English III Elizabethan/Age of Reason Test


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Elizabeth I dies, James I crowned
Gunpowder Plot, Guy Fawkes Day
Jamestown settlement in VA
Shakespeare's sonnets published
King James Bible published
Shakespeare dies
Plymouth Plantation, MA
First Folio Published
James I dies, Charles I crowned
Charles I beheaded, Puritan Commonwealth begins
Puritan Commonwealth ends, exiled Charles II returns to England
Black Plague
London Fire
Milton's Paradise Lost published
Charles II dies, James II crowned
Glorious (aka "Bloodless") Revolution, James I gives up crown, William and Mary take over
Reign William and Mary ends, Anne takes over
Great Britain and Scotland unite
Reign of Anne ends, reign of the Hanovers begins, starting with King George I
Samuel Richardson's "Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded" published. 1st novel.
piling up of realistic detail so that what is imaginary appears to have actually happened
metaphysical poetry
poetry that uses conceits to compare one TOTALLY unlikely object to another
extended metaphor
mock epic
a poem, not necessarily long, but follows the format of an epic (with argument, invocation, and begins in medias res sometimes)
Playwrite, published Shakespeare's First Folio, recited "neck verse" to save himself (wrote "Still to Be Neat)
Ben Jonson
To Althea, from Prison
Richard Lovelace
"Stone walls to not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage"
To Lucasta, on Going to the Wars
Richard Lovelace
"True, a new mistress now I chase, the first foe in the field"
Great Cavalier poet, imprisoned, loyal to the King.
Richard Lovelace
To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time
Robert Herrick
"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may"
Delight in Disorder
Robert Herrick
"A sweet disorder in the dress, kindles in clothes a wantonness"
Vicar, lost his parish when Puritans came to power. Best cavalier poet, a "son of Ben"
Robert Herrick
John Donne
"Go and catch a falling star, get with child a mandrake root"
The Bait
John Donne
"Come live with me and be my love", compares wife to fish
A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
John Donne
compares love to a compass, the love is something more
Sonnet 10
John Donne
"Death be not proud"
(death dies when people die because they will rise again)
Sonnet 14
John Donne
Paradoxical--God, you must break me down in order to get to me, I want you too do so. "Batter my heart, three personded God"
Meditation 17
John Donne
"for whom the bell tolls" be concerned when someone dies because you are part of the church, one body, and thus you are dying as well
Great poet and preacher, Catholic, huge metaphysical poet
John Donne
To His Coy Mistress
Andrew Marvell
"Had we but world enough, and time, this coyness, lady were no crime." "The grave's a fine and private place, but non i think do there embrace" "thus though we cannot make our sun stand stil yet we will make him run"
I'd woo you if I had time, but we don't and we'll soon be dead, so let's go for it
Puritan writer, carpe diem
John Milton's assistant, saved Milton from imprisonment/execution
Andrew Marvell
Went blind, dictated his work to his daughters
John Milton
Wrote a diary in code, Secretary to the Admiral of the Navy. Worked in the navy office, lived in london.
Samuel Pepys
Jonathan Swift
Famous newspaper man, wrote periodicals, etc. such as The Spectator Club
Richard Steele
Will Wimble
Joseph Addison
A Whig, member of parlaiment, wrote the Spectator, etc.
Joseph Addison
The Education of Women
Daniel Defoe
"Women should be educated in their own academy" which is like a jail, etc. but women do have brains.
unscrupulous, wrote a song wall in the stocks, which the people sang to him.
Daniel Defoe (also wrote Robinson Crusoe, Journal of the Plague Year)
Had tuberculosis of the spine, just over 4 feet tall, called the wasp of Twickenham
Alexander Pope
The Rape of the Lock
Alexander Pope
(slyphs, Belinda, Baron, etc.)
An Essay on Man
Alexander Pope (in rhymed couplets) "Know then thyself, presume no God to scan; the proper study of mankind is Man"
An Essay on Criticism
Alexander Pope
"To err is human, to forgive divine"
Samuel Johnson
messy eater, had someone write a biography about him, hated the Scots
Samuel Johnson
Wrote Samuel Johnson's biography
James Boswell (Scottish)
Johnson nature of human beings and pity
Pity is not natural to man, savages and children are cruel, so human nature is this way. We aren't really that sympathetic
Johnson on Eating
Gluttenous, paid attentino to the food, not temperate in eather eating or drinking. He could refrain but not use moderately. Eating habits not fit for company.
Johnson on Slavery
He remarks how the Americans enslave other humans yet cry out for their own liberty and justice and freedom from tyranny
an extended metaphor that can personify ideas or things in order to represent an abstract idea
biting, sarcastic, etc.

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