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The Exam Review for Mrs.Cotters APUSH


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Salutary Neglect
(Early 1700s) Great Britain had lax rules and government capability and let go of colonists and let them pursue their own nation for a period of time to let Britain solve political conflicts. It was significant because it let the colonists enjoy a sense of independence, which made them angry when Britain tried to place acts and taxes on them.
Articles of Confederation
(1777) It was a draft of the constitution with three main points. These points included the appointment of taxes according to population, the granting of one vote to each state, and the right of the federal government to dispose of public lands in the West. It was significant because it eventually led to the Constitution.
"Common Sense"
(1776) It was a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that called for the United States to declare independence from Britain immediately. It was significant because it helped to persuade many Americans that they could successfully wage war for their independence.
Federalist Papers
(1788) Written by Madison,Jay,and Hamilton, the Federalist papers were sent into New York newspapers to provide support for the newly proposed Constitution. They were significant because the papers were extremely influential and persuaded people to be pro-Constitution.
Olive Branch Petition
(1775) It was a letter to King George III from the members of the Second Continental Congress who , for the final time, appealed to their king to redress colonial grievances in orfer to avoid more bloodshed. King George III refused to recieve the Petition. It was significant because it led to the colonists to begin thinking about war.
Midnight Appointments
(1801) It was when Adams appointed many federalist judges and judiciary officials on his last day of his term. Infuriated, Jefferson tried to oust them. It was significant because it led to the judiciary review and it molded the power of the judiciary branch.
Great Awakening
(1730-1745) It was a period of worship in which the Puritan church attempted to elaborate theological doctrine and liberate membership requirements. Led by Jonathon Edwards and George Whitfield, they tried to instill fear back into the puritans by having a more emotional preaching style. It was significant because these "New Light" preachers eventually formed the Baptist Church.
Bacon's Rebellion
(1686)It was a dispute that rose between Governor of Virginia, William Berkely, and Nathaniel Bacon; Bacon and other poor farmers felt as if they had been outcasted; Indians raided their homes, but Governor was still having friendly relations with them. Nathaniel Bacon led these poor,angry, you men against the Governor. When Bacon died, the rebellion did too. It is significant because it was the first incident of a rebellion against a distant, unresponsive, government.
XYZ Affair
(1797) Three French ships (x,y,and z) demanded 32 million Florins and $250,000 for Adam's Envoy to speak to Tallyrand. It was significant because John Marshall, one of Adam's Envoy, was hailed as a conquering hero for his negotiations.
John Marshall and 2 Cases
(1755-1835) He was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He was significant because he won the federal government numerous cases throughout his term.

McCulloch vs. Maryland: (1819) The suit involved an attempt by the state of Maryland to destroy a branch of the Bank of the United States by imposing a tax on its notes. John Marshall claimed that the Bank of the United States was constitutional by invoking the Hamilton doctrine of implied powers.

Dartmouth College vs. Woodward: (1819) Datmouth College had been granted a charter by King George III in 1769, but the Democratic New Hampshire attempted to change it. John Marshall put states rights in their place by saying that the Constitution protected contracts, and therefore the charter could not be altered.
Alexander Hamilton
(1755-1804) He was part of Washington's cabinet as Secretary of State. He favored a strong central government and a weak legislature. His long-time opponent was Thomas Jefferson. Hamilton was significant because his efforts got America out of debt.
"City Upon a Hill"
(1629) It was proclaimed by Governor Winthrop: Puritan Bay Colonists believed that they had a covenant with God to build a holy society that would serve as a model for the New World.
French and Indian War
(1756-1763) It was the North American colonial war between Britain and France. It was significant because it eventually led to Britain imposing the Stamp Act on colonists to pay for the war revenue.
Intolerable Acts
(1774) They were the five laws that were instated by British Parliament in response to the Boston Tea Party. They limited the political and geographical freedom of the colonists. Four of the five laws were directed at Massachusetts as punishment for the Boston Tea Party. They were significant because they caused all the colonies to bind together and led to the Revolutionary War.
Barbary War
(1801-1805) The Barbary War was between the United States and Pirates in the Barbary States of North Africa, who were blackmailing the United States. When the pasha of Tripoli was displeased with the amount of money from the United States they informally declared war on the United States by cutting down the flag of the American consulate. After four years of war, Jefferson managed to make a treaty of peace woth Tripoli for $60,000. It was significant because it led to Jefferson using small gunboats in the navy.

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