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Child Psychology Chapter 4


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Substances and conditions that increase the risk of prenatal abnormalities, increase risk of harm, not always cause damage
Syphillis and AIDS
Less likely to harm fetus if the woman is diagnosed and treated early
Cerebral Palsy
Difficulties with movement control resulting from brain damage, often from genetic vulnerability or anoxia
Repeated hypoxic events
Can cause brain damage at birth
Before Labor
Amniotic fluid trickles out, hard to tell if sack broke or peed, bloody show is seeing blood in urine and seeing mucus plug in cervix come out which means labor is coming
Newborns first minutes
Breathe or cry on own, fingers grab anything, mucus in babies throat cleared, umbilical cord cut to detach placenta, wrapped in blanket
Leboyer - 70s
Makes birth pleasant for baby, lower lights, warmer, fathers shouldn't be in delivery room, problems were dad needs to be present and hospitals need to be cold to inhibit bacterial growth
Early phase
Feels like back hurting, beginning contractions, starts to feel like menstreul cramps, can be in for 1-24 hours, should eat light and sleep, water breaks and lose mucus plug
Very low birthweight
Weight of less than 3 lbs 5oz, 1.5kg
After birth
Placenta born, release of oxytosin causes uterus to go into prepregnancy phase, placenta should come naturally (hemorrage), to help involution breast feed within 1 hour
Critical Period
Time of greatest susceptablility, no safe period for behavioral teratogens
Germinal Period
First 14 days, week after conception multipyling cells seperate into outer shell that will become the placenta and the inner cell that will become the embryo, first task of the outer cells is implantation
Small for Gestational Age
Fetuses that gain weight to slowly through pregnancy, signifies impairment
Contraction stage
Divided into Three phases,Early phase, active phase, Transition phase, becoming dialated (pain)
Three stages of labor
Contraction stage, Parturition stage, After birth
Postpartum Depression
Sense of inadequacy and sadness, mother finds normal baby care to be burdensome, thoughts of neglecting or abusing the infant
Low birthweight
Weight of less than 5.5 lbs, 2.5kg
Temporary lack of oxygen
Study of birth defects and risk analysis, includes timing, dosage and genetic vulnerability
From the ninth week of conception to birth
Fourth to Sixth Month of Pregnancy
Heartbeat becomes stronger, finger and tonails form, hair grows, brain grows six times size, sleep wake cycles (28 weeks), body movement becomes reactive
High-risk infants
More distractible, less obedient, high rates of obesity and diabetes
Bradly Method - 80s
First classes in first trimester to learn about nutrition, exercises and talk, develop birth plan, last trimester is second class with relaxation techniques to help with pain, relax through pain, think short term, most won't need epideral
Kangaroo Care
Mother spends at least an hour a day holding hertiny newborn between her breasts, newborns slept more deeply and spent more time alert
Third month of Pregnancy
Development of the sex organs begins in ninth week, at end of third month has all body parts, organs aren't functioning yet
Brachial Plexus Injury
Baby's shoulder gets stuck
Extremely low birthweight
Weight of less than 2 lbs 2oz, 1kg
Braxton Hicks
Prelabor contractions, if you get up and walk around will go away,
Paternal Alliance
Intimate communication crucial throughout pregnancy, commitment by both parents to cooperate in raising the child
Magical Beginnings with Chopra
Have mind body connection, learn about water births, yoga positions, aroma therapy and relaxation techniques one week each
Apgar Scale
Assessment to check five of baby's vital signs, heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, color, reflexes, one minute after birth, five minutes after birth, if bad check at 10,12,14,20min, after 5min brain damage can occur
Thinning of the lip around the cervix
Given in between vertebral disks, if put in wrong place could cause back problems, messes up nervous connection, need to sit up soon after birth to get organs back in place
Hospital Births
No better for baby than family centered births, 41% of US births
Active phase
Contractions 5 min apart, keep walking, dialation 3-9cm, contractions get painful, want to get to hospital when cervix 5-6cm, body expels everything, feel urge to push at end
Lamaze - 50s
First to look at anesthesia, if given baby stops helping which leads to increased use of forceps and longer labor, babies groggy first few days, help moms manage pain without meds, concentrate and distract yourself away from the pain, needa coach because easy to hyperventilate under labor, many start to late and don't gain enough experience
Interaction Effect
One substance intensifies the effects of another
Cesarean Section
Fetus removed through incisions in mother's abdomen, 28% US births
Last Month of Pregnancy
Fetus will change position and turn upside down, fetal brain releases certain hormones cases uterine muscles to contract
Final Three Months of Pregnancy
Fetus gains 4.5 lbs, relationship between mother and baby intensifies, communication can begin (28th week), fetus feels maternal movement
Intensive care infants
Placed in nurseries, deprived of gentle rocking in darkness, regular handling invoved in feeding and bathing, provide with massage and soothing stimulation
Woman who helps other women with labor, being hired by more women
Parturition Stage
Signaled by crowning, baby born covered in vernix (lubricant, lotion), pat baby off
Embryo Period
First sign of the human body appears, line becomes the neural tube, head begins to take shape (4th week), buds to become arms and legs appear (5th week), embryo has all basic organs and body parts (except for sex organs)
Reason for Slow Fetal Growth
Prescription drugs, smoking, psychoactive drugs, maternal malnutrition, multiple births
Preterm births
Babys born before 37 weeks, don't get mom's antibodies so more at risk if they get sick, given gantamycin which makes them deaf, less fat means cold, stress makes brain bleeds
Preterm vs. newborn
Differenceis in maturation of the neurological, respiratory and cardiovascular systems
Three approaches of Childbirth
Leboyer (freud), Lamaze Theory, Bradly Method, Magical beginnings by Chopra
Iatrogenic effects
Measures to keep babies alive, cause a lot of mental retardation
Transition phase
9-10cm dialation, contractions begn to connect, shortest stage of labor 30min
Behavioral Teratogens
Teratogens that harm the brain and make a child hyperactive, antisocial or learning disabled
Babies will be groggy and have trouble eating, used for panicing moms, makes mom relax
Chronic lung disease, from baby having air forced into their lungs, repeated hypoxic events, risk for asthma, risk for pneumonia, irritable
Threshold Effect
Teratogens that are harmless until exposure reaches a certain level (vitamen A)
Age of viability
Age at which a preterm newborn can survive, about 22 weeks, weight and maturity are crucial
Baby born 3 or more weeks before standard 38 weeks (+SGA = most of low birthweight babies)
Father support
Can be crucial in helping mother to be stay healthy and nourished, marriage and healthy pregnancies have high correlation
Genetic Vulnerability
To what extent a developing organisms genetic makeup makes them susceptable to a teratogen (Spina bifida when sine does not close properly, anecephaly when part of the brain doesn't form, boys have more problems from behavioral teratogens)
Parent Infant bond
Speculated to develop in the first few hours of life
Birth Times
After 12 hours of active labor for first born, 7 hours for subsequent births

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