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APUSH style Presidents


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George Washington
1st 1789-1797 VP- John Adams Secretary of State- Thomas Jefferson Secretary of Treasury - Alexander Hamilton \"Federalist\" General in the Revolutionary War with Britain and his Farewell Address is a warning against foreign wars
John Adams
2nd 1797-1801 Federalist VP - Thomas Jefferson XYZ affair Alien act, Sedition Act Naturalization Act MIDNIGHT JUDGES Resolutions
Thomas Jefferson
3rd 1801-1809 Republican VP- Aaron Burr, George CLinton Secretary of State - James Madison Marbury v.s. Madison Lousisiana Purchase 12th Amemdment Embargo Act Non-Intercourse Act
James Madison
4th 1809-1817 Republican VP-George Clinton, Elbridge Gerry Secretary of State- James Monroe War Hawks during war of 1812 Protective Tariff
James Monroe
5th 1817-1825 Republican VP-Daniel Thompkins SoS-John Quincy Adams Monroe Doctrine Marshall\'s Decisions Acquisition of FL Fav. Sons Election
John Quincy Adams
1825-1829 National Republican VP-John C. Calhoun SoS- Henry Clay \"corrupt bargin\" none of the canidates were able to secure enough electoral votes so the outcome went to the hands of the house of the Rep. Henry Clay who was speaker of the House convinced them to make Adams the pres. so then Clay became the SoS. Jackson poed
Andrew Jackson
7th 1829-1837 Democrat VP-John C. Calhoun Martin Van Buren Jacksonian Democracy Whig Party Created Pretty much Jackson was a boss
Martin Van Buren
8th 1837-1841 Democrat VP-Richard M. Johnson NO bank of the US
William Henry Harrison
9th 1841 Whig VP-John Tyler SoS- Daniel Webster Died because he was OLD
John Tyler
10th 1841-1845 Anti-Jackson Democrat adn ran as VP on whig ticket SoS-Daniel Webster Vetoes Clay\'s Bill for Bank of the US
James K. Polk
11th 1845-1849 \"dark horse\" candidate Democrat VP-George Dallas Manifest Destiny Texas State Oregon Settled Mexican War Treaty of Guadeloupe
Zachary Taylor
12th 1849-1850 Whig VP-Millard Fillmore He died in office
Millare Fillmore
13th 1850-1853 Whig SoS- Daniel Webster Compromise of 1850 Uncle Tom\'s Cabin 1852
Franklin Pierce
14th 1853-1857 Democrat VP-William King Kansas Nebraska BIll Bleeding Kansas
James Buchanan
15th 1857-1861 Democrat VP-John C. Breckinridge Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Abraham Lincoln
16th 1861-1865 Republican VP-Hannibal Hamlin, Andrew Johnson SoS-William H. Seward SoT-Salmon P. Chase SoW-Edwin M. Stanton Civil War Emancipation Proclamation Assasinated by John Wilkes Booth
Andrew Johnson
17th 1865-1869 Republican SoS-Willam H. Seward 13,14 Amendment Reconstruction Impeachment Trial
Ulysses S. Grant
18th 1869-1877 Republican VP-Schuyler Colfax, Henry Wilson SoS-Hamilton Fish 15 Amendment Transcontinental Railroad Panic of 1873
Rutherford B. Hayes
19th 1877-1881 Republican VP-William Wheeler Troops withdrawn from south free coinage of silver
James A. Garfield
20th 1881 Republican VP-Chester A Arthur SoS-James A Blaine Assasinated by Julius Guiteau
Chester A. Arthur
21st 1881-1885 Republican SoS-James A. Blaine
Grover Cleveland
22nd 1885-1889 Democrat VP- T.A. Hendricks Knights of Labor Haymarket Riot
Benjamin Harrison
23rd 1889-1893 Republican VP-Levi Morgan SoS- James A. Blaine Sherman Anti Trust Act Idaho Wyoming ND SD Montana Washington become states
Grover Cleveland 2!
24th 1893-1897 Democrat VP-Adlai Stevenson ONLY PRESIDENT TO SERVE TWO NON CONSECUTIVE TERMS Pullman Strike Hawaiian incident
William McKinley
25th 1897-1901 Republican VP-Garret Hobart, Theodore Roosevelt SoS- John Hay New Imperialism Spanish American War McKinley was assassinated by Leon Czolgosz
Theodore Roosevelt
26th 1901-1909 Republican VP-Charles Fairbanks SoS-John Hay Elihu Root Panama Canal Square Deal Pure Food and Drug Act, Meat Inspection Act, muckrakers Political reforms Trust Busting Caol Strike
William Howard Taft
27th 1909-1913 Republican VP-James Sherman Dollar Diplomacy which was basically American loans to foreign countries
Woodrow WIlson
28th 1913-1921 Democrat VP- THomas Marshall 16,17,18,19 amendments Clayton Anti-trust Act Troops to Nicaragua Domican, Hati, Virgin Islands, Mexico The Lusitania Fourteen Points Treaty of Versailles League of Nations
Warren G. Harding
29th 1921-1923 \"Dark Horse\" Republican VP-Calvin Coolidge SoS-Charles Evans Hughes Teapot Dome Scandal Washington Conference
Calvin Coolidge
30th 1923-1929 Republican VP-Charles Dawes SoS-Frank Kellogg
Herbert Hoover
31st 1929-1933 Republican VP-Charles Curtis SoS- Henry L. Stimson Stock Market Crashes Depression
Franklin D. Roosevelt
32nd 1933-1945 Democrat Vp-John Nace Carner, Henry Wallace, Harry Truman New Deal \"alphabet soup\" WWII Labor Reforms
Harry S. Truman
33rd 1945-1953 Democrat VP-Alben Barkley WWII ends Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan NATO established Korean War \"Fair Deal\"
Dwight D. Eisenhower
34th 1953-1961 Republican VP-Richard Nixon 22 amendment Brown v.s. board of edu in topeka kansas space race eisenhower doctrine Alaska and Hawaii become states Suez Crisis
John F. Kennedy
35th 1961-1963 Democrat VP-Lyndon B. Johnson Peace Corps Cuban Missle Crisis Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald
Lyndon B. Johnson
36th 1963-1969 Democrat VP-Hubert Humphrey Cold War Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Anti Poverty Acts Medicare Great Society
Richard Nixon
37th 1969-1974 Republican VP-Spiro Agnew, Gerald Ford Landing on the Moon Woodstock EPA established 16th amendment China and Russia visits SALT Chile regime overthrow with CIA Agnew resigns Nixon Resigns watergate
Gerald Ford
38th 1974-1977 Republican first appointed pres. VP- Nelson Rockefeller Neither had been elected pardons nixon OPEC crisis
Jimmy Carter
39th 1977-1981 Democrat VP-Walter Mondale Panama Canal Treaty Three Mild Island Incident Iran Hostage Crisis Boycott of Olympics in Moscow
Ronald Reagan
40th 1981-1993 Republican VP-George H.W. Bush Hostages returned Sandra Day O\'Connor becomes first woman appointed to the Supreme COurt Iran-Contra Hearings
George Bush
41st 1989-1993 Republican VP-Dan Quayle Saving and Loan Scandal Berlin Wall came down Invasion of Panama Gulf War
Bill Clinton
42nd 1993-2001 Democrat VP-AL Gore NAFTA Air strikes in Bosnia and Iraq Serbia Sex scandal
George W. Bush
43rd 2001-2009 Republican VP-Richard Cheney War on Terror Sents troops to Iraq Sends U.S. Troops to topple the Taliban government in Afghanistan Cabinet Level Department of Homland Security Advocates tax cuts as a stimulat to a slow post 9/11 economy

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