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Anatomy of Movement Midterm Review


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Three types of bones
long = radius
short = talus
flat = scapula
Six types of joints
hinge = elbow, knee
ball-socket = hip, shoulder
gliding = intercarpal
ellipsoid = atlas occipital
pivot = atlas-axis
saddle = carpal-metacarpal (thumb)
Five types of vertebrae
Plus numbers and curvature direction
cervical 7 concave
thoracic 12 convex
lumbar 5 concave
sacrum 5 fused convex
coccyx 3-4 fused n/a
Parts of vertebra
1) body
2) pedicle
articular feet
transverse process
spinous process
Spaces of in/around vertebra
vertebral canal
intervertebral formina
transverse foramen (cervical spine only)
Two parts of intervertebral disc
nucleus pulposus
annulus fibrosus
What are the three ligaments of vertebral column?
anterior longitudinal ligament
posterior longitudinal ligament
interspinous & intertransverse ligaments
What are the three elements of the hip bone that form the deep socket (give name)?
The ilium, ischium, pubis form the acetabulum.
The_____ and ____form the circumference of the large opening called the____.
ischium, pubis, and obturator foramen
What are the two lumbar muscles?
Psoas major
Quadratus lumborum (sidebending)
What two muscle groups form four muscular bundles around the lumbar spine?
Posterior transversospinalis
work to stabilize the lumbar spine...hold it erect
What are the three deep back muscles and what action are they responsible for?
Intertransverse sidebending
interspinalis extension
transversospinalis lateral rotation
What are the three categories of transversospinalis muscles and how many vertebral levels do they cross?
semispinalis spans 5-6 vertebral levels
multifidus spans three levels
rotatores span a single level
What movements are the transversospinalis muscles responsible for?
extension, sidebending, rotation
What are the deep neck muscles and what actions are they responsible for?
rectus capitis posterior minor
rectus capitis posterior major
obliquus capitis superior
obliquus capitis inferior

extension and sidebending
What are the three components of the intermediate back and neck muscles and their three compenants?
iliocostalis (most lateral)
1) iliocostalis lumborum
2) ilocostalis thoracis
3) iliocostalis cervicis
1) longissimus capitis
2) longissimus throacis
3) longissimus cervicis
spinalis (most medial)
1) spinalis capitis
2) semispinalis capitis
3) spinalis thoracis
What are the primary actions of the iliocostalis and the longissimus muscles?
sidebending (iliocostalis lumborum
What is the difference in action between the spinalis capitis and the spinalis thoracis?
Semispinalis capitis and spinalis capitis can do extension, sidebending or rotation, and straighten the spine. Spinalis thoracis extends only!
What are the two sets of muscles on the superior and anterior portions of the ribs that aid in respiration?
serratus posterior superior
serratus posterior inferior
what are the five muscles associated with respiration?
internal intercostals
external intercostals
lavetores costarum
transversus thoracis
What are the four abdominal muscles and the action that they are responsible for?
Transversus abdominus - pulls in the belly
internal oblique - rotation and lateral bending
external oblique - same as internal obliques
rectus abdominis - flexion
Name the seven shoulder muscles:
1) serratus anterior
downward and abduction and rotation
2) subclavius - depresses the clavicle
3) pectoralis minor - pulls scapula forward and down or helps elevate the ribs
4) Sternocleidomastiod (SCM) - elevate the clavicle
5) Levator scapulae - elevates the scapula and rotates it downward
6) Rhombiods - adduct the scapula and work with the levator scapulae in downwatd rotation
7) Trapezius - everything BUT ABDUCTION
What is the difference between abduction and adduction?
ADDUCTION is towards the medial plane and ABDuction is away from the medial plane

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